Chapter 2 World's Colliding

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~Solayne's POV~

Walking through the door, I release a heavy sigh, kicking my heels to a corner of my bedroom before falling face forward on my bed.

The worst thing about waking up is having your mood completely ruined this early in the morning knowing you still have work.

Screaming into the pillow, frustration takes over and to make things even more intense, I am running late for work.

With much pondering it's best to call in sick than to show up late and annoyed. Pushing myself up, Mello jumps into my arms brushing her tail against my cheeks. Giggling, I embrace her into my space snuggling into her grey and white furs.

"Meow!" she licks her foot snuggling closer to my chest.

Finally having a moment to relax and think about my morning.

The door burst open, followed by hurried footsteps then came Samyrah diving onto my bed screaming.

"At this point it's best I make some space for you to move in seeing you practically already live here!" I yell over her screaming.

She jumps in a sitting position slapping my arm.

"Girl guess what!" She screams stomping her feet against the floor overlooking my sarcasm.

"Try lowering your voice first, today is not a good day for me to get evicted," I lowly mumble, her actions irking me even more.

Placing Mello on the floor. I inhale a sharpe breath unbuttoning my shirt to rid this mornings memory from my mind.

"So I was in the parking lot, and girl, I got bewitch by this stud of a guy with a body you would literally want to devour." She squeals grabbing hold of  the near by cushion hugging it.

Shaking my head I turn away from her antics.

One thing about Myra she is definitely going to gawk at every good looking man she sees.

"A scrumptious looking guy like him could never be single" she carries on rolling in delight messing up my once neatly made bed sheets.

"Girl get a grip he is probably seeing one of the neighbors, good looking men don't randomly pop up around here" I add searching for something more comfortable to change into.

"True but he could also be single and ready to mingle"  she jumps up wiggling her eyebrows.

Without warning my body is shove towards the window. Jet black hair with defined curls is the first thing I notice. Ouuu! I just love a man with curls, durags or waves.

His tight jacket suit struggles to stay on his skin as his muscles fight to burst through the silk fabric. His average height and chocolate tone screams dominance and I find myself sinking at just the sight of him. As if he sensed us looking, his brown orbs glance up and for a minute it's like our worlds collided as one. I quickly slide the curtains together knowing he saw me. Crap!

"What are you doing? He already saw us" she hurriedly pushes me aside opening the curtains wider. Wiggling her fingers, she waves her whole face lighting up with a knowing smile.

I couldn't help but smile at how bold and extra she can get. Leave it up to Myra to make me smile as much as how she manages to get me in trouble. I love her regardless because if I am being honest without her around my life is like a bulb without light.

Finally getting the chance to change out of my work attire all thoughts of Jasper went out the window as I can know focus on my Confidant.

"So..." I glance up to see Myra sitting on the bed finally calm.

"So..." I arched a brow mimicking her.

"What did Jasper do this time?" She blurts out folding her legs beneath each other.

"What do you mean?" I ask fully aware where this conversation is heading. She is probably the only person who knows me even better than myself.

"Don't for once think in that big brain of yours that I missed the look on your face when I first came in... No hun spill the beans" sighing in defeat I turn to see her already looking at me.

"Let me guess, he found someone new again didn't he?" Looking away from her I bite my lip hearing her taking a deep breath.

"You know what?" she jumps to her feet walking to my collection of clothes in the closet. "We are going out tonight and before you say another word I am not interested in your excuses. It is time to find another man."

I could not find the energy to argue my point and I definitely needed a drink too, not any drink, something extremely strong at that.

An outing is definitely something I need right now.


11:45 pm the same day

I always find myself in situations where I'm forced somewhere I don't want to be and as soon as I get there I regret coming in the first place.

The loud music and flashy lights surrounding me makes my head pound loudly in my ears, yet I am dragged to the middle of the dance floor.

The liquor in my system has fully taken over my body at this point.

My waist and back do all the work as Myra and I grind against each other somewhat trying to enjoy my time even though my head feels like exploding.

Sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils and I find myself gasping for fresh air.

I somehow couldn't take it anymore. I am desperately in need of some oxygen.

The throbbing pain in my head increases making me feel lightheaded. I push through the crowds after someone snatch Myra to have their own share of dance.

At this point I am not even sure of the direction I am heading in. I could barely make out a thing.

Everything around me starts to spin and I can feel myself falling face down as the speed increase's. Having no control over my body, I am luckily saved by firm arms grabbing hold of my arm after I collide with firm chest. 

There hands clasp around me properly supporting my weight a bit better, I am then pulled outside where fresh air flows through my nostrils making me feel better for a short amount of time before the same feeling overpowers me again.

My insides erupt as the cool night air greets my skin but like a volcano, everything I've consumed for the night emits onto the stranger's shirt.

Finally feeling at ease my eyes open to greet the mess I created.

Gasping at my actions my hand shield my mouth and nose blocking the strong liquor scent from the puke. Oh crap I hyperventilate desperately wishing I had fainted instead of witnessing such embarrassment.

With nothing left to do, my eyes find his and the apology froze on my tongue as the similar feeling of our worlds colliding returned. A new type of feeling within... something I've never felt, not even when I am with Jasper.

I squinted hoping this is all a dream. Closing my eyes, then opening them again. My eyes weren't deceiving me and unfortunately for me, I am still forced to be fixed under such a gaze that melts my world.

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