Best Friend's Brother - Chris Sturniolo

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~dom!Chris, praise kink, choking, oral (f recieveing)~

"Girl you better be shitting me" I could hear Nick's voice from the bathroom, the door slightly ajar so we could continue to get ready. "I'm just not sure if I'm up for it tonight" I groaned, sticking my head round the door to see him fixing his hair in front of his bathroom mirror, which he then gave me a dirty look through. He rolled his eyes as he walked me out the bathroom and over to my closet, pulling out my planned dress for the party tonight. 

Nick and his brothers had been invited to this house party, with loads of other content creators and influencers - Nick said he's bringing me along cause he needs decent company. I met Nick in a random club one night and we hit it off immediately, I never knew who he was beforehand but now his videos are some of the funniest I watch. I had met his brothers, Chris and Matt, already and we all got along amazingly. Especially Chris and I, he was so nice and so funny with me, and I couldn't help but develop a little crush for him. 

Of course, I would never tell Nick - he's my best friend and Chris is his brother, it just wouldn't be right. 

"Lemme see" I could hear Nick shout from downstairs, he had left to let me get changed. He had helped me pick out a tight fitting black dress which I had matching heels with, I left my hair down to fall around and frame my face. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my purse, closing my door and heading down to meet the boy. 

"Yes girl!" Nick's voice could be heard from a mile as he hyped me up, clapping his hands almost as loud as I approached him. I closed my eyes over as he screamed for his brother to come down, clearly wanting to leave. "Nick babe, only dogs can hear you know" I joked bluntly, shooting him a crooked smile. I gasped as he playfully shoved me over, causing me to stumble a little before I returned the favor and shoved him back. 

My attention was quickly pulled away as I locked eyes with him, Chris. He wore a casual fit, but he made it look so good. I shot him a quick smile and looked away, greeting Matt as he got closer. "Nick I think the entire street heard you" Chris stated, shoulder bardging passed him and standing beside me. "Omg you guys are so funny" He sarcastically laughed before pulling a straight face. 

I laughed as he dragged me into the back of the car, allowing Chris to ride shotgun and Matt to drive. I sat behind Matt, my eyes fixed over onto Chris for the majority of the car journey - just because I can't act on my feels doesn't mean that I can't admire him. 

The party was pretty good, however I just really wasn't in the mood for it tonight - I watched as Nick danced around aimlessly - clearly having an amazing time. I sat on a little two seater couch in the corner, a cup of water as I wasn't necessarily in the mood to drink. I let out a sigh as I felt the couch dip beside me and an arm circle round my shoulders, Chris. 

"I can see you'er enjoying this as mush as I am" He joked, his head turning so we could look at each other. I laughed, nodding my head in response as I lay my head back to rest on his arm. I always felt so comfortable with Chris, and I'd like to think he felt the same with me. "I never told you earlier, but you look beautiful tonight" He smiled, moving a strand of hair out of my face as his eyes scanned over me. 

I felt chills all over my body as I heard his words, and the way he was looking at me just made them multiply. He always called me pretty whenever we went out, but there was something different about it this time. I cleared my throat before replying. "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I smiled, running my tongue over my bottom lip as I felt it drying over from the temperature in the room. 

The music began to fade around me, as my thoughts and mind entirely consumed by him, our eyes never broke contact while his fingers started lightly drawing circles on the bare skin of my shoulders. My breathing got heavier the longer we looked into each others eyes, the temperature began to rise between our bodies and the sounds of everyone else in the house were being drowned out by my thoughts. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I muttered, finally gaining the confidence to say something. 

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