Chapter Three

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It was sometime later that Sasha crawled out of her room. Her yellow and blue makeup smeared left to right. I hadn't even looked in the mirror myself, I was too afraid of the mess.

"Hi, gorgeous," I said, pointing at the living room mirror.

She looked at me, "That bad, eh? You should look at yourself."

I nodded and let out a slight giggle.

She rushed over to the corner mirror and the next thing I hear is a shriek coming out of her. I plugged my right ear as the note was so high toned. Shaking it off, I proceeded to tell her about the "little secret" she told me last night. She laughed it off and blamed it on being drunk, but there was a definite sense about it. I think she actually meant it.

I had never seen Sasha that way, plus she's pretty straight. Don't get me wrong. With that red hair and stunning green eyes, who wouldn't have a crush on her? It was at that moment my phone rang. A text message had come through as if purposely to interrupt the topic. I opened up my pink Android to find a picture of last night. It was from Rachel. The photo showed the three of us smiling, holding these oddly colored shot glasses. Then came another message after I finished reading.

I hope this finds you well and without too big of a hangover. I really enjoyed our conversations last night. Maybe we can do it again over dinner this time?

She sent two smiley face emojis, one heart, and one of a bottle of a champagne bottle. It took me a minute to realize she was asking me out. Eek! I was so excited and nervous all at the same time. Like the empty void I felt was finally beginning to get some movement. I think this feeling is what they call lesbian panic. My heart was pounding. I was starting to sweat and it was becoming harder to breathe. I quickly replied without a thought,

I would love that.

But not long after replying the intrusive thoughts were at my doorstep. How could she want to go on a date with someone like me? You're nothing but a coffee server. She probably just feels bad for you. You've probably lost your job already.

I pondered. I mean it was true I wasn't anything special. I was just a bipolar coffee house server after all. Who couldn't even manage to get up for work today. She at least had her own mechanic shop. My excitement trumped my intrusive thoughts. I was so excited and yet these awful, uncontrollable thoughts felt like they were going to take over. I jumped up and promptly got off the couch and headed to the bedroom. I needed to pick out an outfit. But wait... I haven't even asked her when we should go! I quickly opened my phone to text her

So...when are you free?

Breathe, Rose.

I continued to make my way to the bedroom, almost skipping like someone playing jump rope. I swear if someone could see me, they would think I was a child in an adult body. I managed to trip over a shoe in the hallway and catch myself on the door knob.

"Ouch!" I screamed

"Are you alright in there?" Sasha yelled down the hallway.

"Ya, I just tripped and banged my head on the door knob. Don't even think about laughing,"

But it was too late. The giggles in the living room started to roar down the corridor. I giggled in response. Her laughter sounded sweet, but also almost psycho. I ignored my thoughts and proceeded to the closet when my phone dinged again. This time instead of being a cute beautiful woman telling me she wanted to u-haul it, it was my boss Derrick. What a way to ruin the mood. His message was concise and cold:

Due to your health and lack of coming into work, we are terminating you.

What the actual fuck? I typed back.

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