Chapter Two

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What seemed to be days later, it was finally time to assist my boss Derrick with the meeting. I had gotten up three hours earlier that morning to get ready. I had the perfect outfit. Khaki jeans with a black button-up shirt that gave just enough room for my breasts to breathe. I had done my makeup with neutral tones to match my hazel eyes with a light red lip stain. Finally, it was time for work. I gathered my keys, waved Sasha bye, and walked out the door. After getting into my yellow cobalt, I turned on my favorite Spotify music playlist.

"Shit," I complained, hitting the leather steering wheel. " I fucking forgot to eat. I don't have time to go back inside," I growled before driving off.

Upon entering the tiny coffee shop that only sold vegan items, a shop that I had loathed working at, the boss waved me upstairs. You could smell the pastries and coffee roaming through the air.

"How are you feeling today? All I need you to do is click the presentation on the computer for me and answer any questions about the coffee shop," Derrek instructed.

I nervously nodded as he opened the door to the large glass meeting room. Quite a pleasant aroma. I made my way to the end of the long plastic fiber table where the projection and the laptop were sitting. I sat down with the remote, ready for business to begin, and watched as the room started to fill with formal attire folk. I smiled and greeted each one of them as they sat down in their assigned spots.

"Are you ready?" Derrek looked at me with a considering gaze.

I nodded and began the presentation. My heart was still pounding, whether from anxiety or the excitement of finally being on the boss' radar. My boss laid his hand on my leg. I quickly brushed him off with a smile. Almost to the end of the presentation, I started feeling weird. At first, it was like I was becoming lightheaded, and then it proceeded to make me feel like I was swaying. Something out of a fun house where you go through the circular tilt and all the disarming lights.

"Rose? Rose, are you feeling okay?" a familiar voice called out to me.

That's when things started going black. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor with a crowd of strangers looking over me.

"How are you feeling? Can you hear me? Blink if you can understand me."

I obeyed, trying to communicate with awkward blinking and random twitches, for my words seemed to have gone straight to the abyss. Some lady dressed in an all-yellow pantsuit helped me sit up. Still unable to use my mouth, I nodded toward a water bottle nearby. After a sip of water and a few minutes of deep breathing, I finally came back to my senses. There was this overloading sensation of nausea and a migraine straight from hell. The room was still spinning, but at least I could breathe again.

"What- what happened?" I fumbled to ask.


"Rose, you fainted, we have called EMS. They're on their way. Try not to move," Derrick insisted.

I nodded again and leaned back against the white wall. Soon, a crew of paramedics showed up to check me out. First, the flashlight test to check my pupils, then my blood pressure, then my oxygen levels.

"Everything seems to be leveling out, but we suggest you go to the emergency room to make sure you didn't give yourself a concussion," the pretty blue-eyed paramedic suggested.

Despite the temptation to give her my number, I was afraid it might be inappropriate. I giggled at the thought. She smiled in turn and offered me a smiley sticker. After a few more minutes, I managed to get myself off the floor and into the nearest chair, lying to myself and the boss that I'd be fine.

"I just need to go home and get some rest. I'm probably just dehydrated or sleep-deprived," I assured.

Derrek dismissed me with a sorrowful expression as if I was a disappointment, yet he still seemed to harbor a small sense of worry for me. I made it home safely and stumbled up the driveway. When I rested my head against the front door, it opened, nearly making me fall face forward.

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