Mercy Death

335 13 10

⚠️ Warning: Graphic Depiction of Violence ⚠️

This may trigger some people- so be aware and if it's too much...Do skip this chapter.

+ Major Character Death (ofc my fav character)

Oh and a lot of curse words.


    "Captain. It seems there's nothing left in this dungeon...are you sure there's another powersphera trapped here?" Fang asked as he wiggle his wrists and inspect the whole area.

Using the light from his glasses he can see how the underground dungeon was left abandoned for so long. It has its history, but Fang didn't really want to know further when there's dozen of skeletons laying behind each of every cellar. He can only frown at their demise.

"We had not received any signal from down here either, Captain should we continue?" Fang asked again, the tablet on his hand that was meant to detect any source of power and the location of the powersphera- it doesn't even shows anything.

It's seems it's been hours now- Kaizo stopped for a moment and so does Fang. They both turned to look around the old ruin that they've stumbled into. Trickle of water coming down from the side of the wall. They wonder the room, discovering the strange artifacts and structures, searching for clues. Yet they find nothing from the large area-

But it seems there's a trace of people was behind this. Like someone has been here before not too long ago, considering the trace of fresh footsteps on the ground.

But then, there's no powersphera nor enemies insight-

It all seems suspicious to Kaizo. He was sure the intel that provide him the info had lead him to the right place, where there's supposed to be another a trapped powersphere. Perhaps someone had already stole it or maybe it wasn't even there to begin with but that can't be true. Unless...he was tricked.

Not wanting to risk anything dangerous not when he was with other people- his brother. He swiftly turned around without exploring the even deeper of the passage.

"Private Pang. Report back to the commander inform that we didn't receive the right location."

"Eh? Uh alright Captain." Fang didn't really wants to questions any further if it's only angered his brother more. It's a pity that they've got nothing.

"It's seems we have come to the wrong place. Let's go." He walked ahead of them, eyes still scanning everything around him. No enemies, no traps, no powersphera. He couldn't help but feel a dreading feeling telling him to get out of here fast.

"But..we haven't even explore the whole place captain?" Fang frowned slightly. A bit confused at his brother's action.

"No. I don't want to risk it. We will discuss back with the commander and-"


A vibration sounds was coming from Fang's tablet. He turned around and he can see Fang's eyes widen slightly as he looks at the screen. The sign shows something- a powersphera had been detected.

Fang couldn't help but let out a relieved smile when it shows just how close the powersphera is. Quite glad they didn't return just yet.

"It's closer than we thought Captain- over here!" Somehow Fang was filled with determination and hurriedly went back to the ruin so he didn't lose the location.

"Wait-" Kaizo stern voice wasn't heard by the younger brother as he already went up ahead. Kaizo clicked his tongue annoyedly, he really needs to scolded his brother again for not following his order.

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