Hospital Stay

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An awkwardly angst/fluff between carrot bros!


As Fang finally came to his senses, the first thing that he saw was the white ceiling above him. He blinks slowly and felt the dizziness overcome him because of the sudden bright light. The beeping sound of the heart monitor besides him keeps urging him to wake up.


He moved his head slowly, scanning his surroundings and observing the place. The room was white and sterile, and he felt as if he was in some sort of dreamlike state.

He tried to think of what has happened though but-

The last few days were a bit of a blur, and he can felt the lingering effects of an induced coma and a long stay in the hospital.

"Ugh.." He groaned in pain when he started to move slightly yet the pain made him feel as if his whole body was on fire. His hand slowly was put on a wounded abdomen, and he can feel a very freshly wrapped bandage down there.

It took him a long moment to remember what had happened, but slowly he started to recall bits by bits and put the pieces together.

"I..was stabbed..huh?" He muttered quietly to himself.

He doesn't remember much, but he does remember when he was trying to capture the wanted criminal on a dark alley thinking that he already cornered him without thinking of the risk he had when he was alone.

He was indeed wrong to come alone, he didn't realize that the criminal had a backup, another criminal come from behind and stab him in the back, leaving him to bleeds as they ran away from the scene. Well tried to.

That is not untill the Legendary Space Rebel come and immediately captured them in a second. The pure rage in his brother's eyes was the last thing Fang remember before he fall unconscious.

Letting out a sigh, he pressed his palms against his temples and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

So much to take in right now...


Fang immediately tensed up a little when the silence was disturb as he heard the door was open.

"..Oh! You're awake sir Fang!" A nurse entered the room with a kind smile in her face.

Fang can only glance slowly at the nurse and nodded weakly, too tired to say anything, barely moving his whole body. The nurse smile again in acknowledgement and quickly do a quick check up on him. Making sure he has fully gained consciousness before getting the doctor.

"It seems like the medicine is---how- sir--" Fang was too delirious to catch and process what the nurse was trying to say. Bless the nurse, despite Fang's lack of attention, she doesn't seem to be bothered by it instead she smiles  understandingly.

"Would you like some water sir Fang?" The angel like nurse ever so kindly had offered him a glass of water she poured.

Fang wasn't sure if he can swallow anything- but his drying throat are too obliged to have some water. He nodded weakly as he tried to get up. The kind nurse or --Maya-- he noticed the name tag on the nurse shirt was patiently helping him sit-up so he can lean on the headboard. Despite his shaking hands he manages to drink the water without any problem- of course if he were to admit that he was still too weak it will only hurt his stupid pride. It will be embarrassing.

"Please wait for a moment, I will go get the doctor for you, Sir Fang" The kind nurse said kindly and leaving him alone for a while.

Again, Fang was met with the silence. The stillness of the hospital. It was too quiet, therefore it sent a numb feeling to Fang. He's still holding the half full glass in his hands and slowly leans further back on the soft headboard. Closing his eyes and took another deep breath to calm his mind.

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