chapter -2

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after they brought adeliana in the  de-luca family they welcome her and introduce their name to her ,i'm your father FRANCESCO DE-LUCA,i'm your mother AGNESSA DE-LUCA ,i'm your elder brother EMILIANO DE-LUCA ,i'm your 2nd eldest brother AGUSTINO DE-LUCA ,i'm your 3rd eldest brother AGUSTO DE-LUCA and younger twin of agustino and they all looked at her sensing that they are waiting for her reply she said i'm ADELIANA aka AELIANA  .Her mother hugged her but her brother and father just give her a smile then  agnessa [her mother] took her to her room and introduce her to her sister daeva .Adeliana didn't talk to much but she get bad vibe from her[perks of having power *eye wink*]

.AFTER FEW DAYS..they enrolled her at seperate school that daeva was going and brought things that needed to her although she didn't talk to much but her brothers didn't even try to talk to her they alway play with her sister and ignore her but she didn't mind because it didn't affect her she knows that they did not accept her as their sister and always loved daeva .

one night she was sleeping but she founde herself in a dream she saw a girl playing with her parents but her hand were shining when she tried to found what were they doing she got to knoe that her parents were teaching how to develope her parents then suddenly she turn and then saw herself  and her parents call her aeliana

she get up and saw the clock it was past 12 at night and then saw herself sweating and then her hand was shining like the girl she saw in her dream  .She saw this nightmare for past few days then she drink water and get up to go to her mother's room but when she was going she then bump into someone when she see upward she saw her elder brother emiliano. he ask her where were she going .she reply that she got nightmare and can't sleep alone then emiliano pick her up took her to his bedroom and lay her down in the bed and tuck her inside comforter and he himself going to change in the comfy clothes and lay beside her he pull her toward himself pat her head and said sleep aeliana i got you and she goes into deep slumber .

3months has passed when she came here her brothers did not talk to her and her father also they always talk and laugh with her sister daeva only her mother talk to her mother .Her brothers and father always dressed her sister daeva and drop her to the school while she go in the seperate car .one day her mother come to dress her but she said mom it's alright you don't need to dress me for school i can do on my own go and have your breakfast she insist her mother to go and dress herself pick her bag and go downstair where she sees her brothers and father feeding daeva breakfast

.she put her bag in the sofa and move toward dining table and sit beside her mother and serve herself sandwitch then her father said to adeliana why is your grade is not good adeliana that's the first time her father talk to her but it's not new for her everyday daeva tell her brothers and father fake information while they scold her    and daeva smile that her plan was successful .

And she said to her father i'll do best she did not justify herself  beause they didn't try to know about her that she had 250 iq and smart and always top in the exam or test {ADELIANA HAVE 250 IQ SHE WAS VERY INTELLIGENT THEY DIDNT KNOW AND SHE IS IN CLASS 7TH AND THE AGE OF 5]

HER mother notice that she was not eating pancake she asked her why she not eating pancake then adeliana tell her that she was allergy to pancake then she finish her breakfast and pick her water bottle and lunch box put inside her bagpack and then kiss her mom face and say goodbye to her and move toward the car to go to her school .Everybody was shocked that im the age of 5 she herself do her own things her mother didn't say anything to anyone beacuase she know they are doing wrong thing to her and she notice that her adopted daughter was trying something that they scold adeliana but now she want to know that what her adopted daughter can do she always get bad vibe toward her but tried to ignore her.

6 month has passed everything was going same but adeliana nightmare is not going she got know about her nightmare that the girl she saw in her dream was her and her parents and who she is she got know how they attack her family how her father and she died and how she promised her mother that she will comeback for revenge and  she can communicate with aeliana  and how her mother goddess of creation protect her from faraway  .one day daeva push agnessa to staircase and blame that adeliana push her mother immediately they rush to the hospital .Agnessa tried to say to her husband that it was daeva not adeliana but he did not here her .Agnessa was gone to coma but in the de-luca mansion everyone did not care about adeliana they curse her scold her and  beat her.

9month has passed they abuse her ,scold her and did not care about her .Her mother [goddess of creation] change her appearance and come to heal har daughter when she see all those mark she burn in the range to get revenge but first she has to set her  daughter from them .one day she saw daeva was playing she rach to her and asked her to play with her and she said yes but then daeva pick knife and stab herself and asked adeliana to pull out knife when adeliana pull out and hold the knife daeva start screaming that adeliana triedto kill her and everyone rush upstaires ..

hy strawberries 💖☄️
how is the chapter did you enjoy tell me in the comments .
so adeliana knows the past so let me clear the doubt adeliana has  high iq with the immense power inside her thats why she got the past early and able to collect her past life.

so adeliana know that her mother come in the night and heal her .
Goddess of creation has the ability of shape shifting .

ok by strawberries vote the chapter .

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