username changed

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So guys I want to tell you that I change the username because it was too long that's why I am like it sucks you know and I made new Instagram account because my previous one got dead and the which is not reaching to anyone that's why I make a new one and I change the user name one also there and I do not change the cover of my story why I did not change the covers covers because if you see the name , peace in being author that's my previous username but I change it if you see in that cover just ignore it because I don't have the energy to make it you know that's why and I change my username and I make new account so link in description you can check it and guys my exam is starting from tomorrow that's why the update will get little late and I will upload soon because my exam is started from tomorrow and and 9th March after ending of my exam or if I get free time in between these days I will upload the story OK I will upload the next part and I want to tell that I also upload character sketch with photos because my previous one got deleted and I tried to get it back but I do not get it so I will make another one i will upload their images as well and more character will be introduce but in not this chapter so wait till now

Ok byy

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