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Hey guys ,

So their is a girl who is telling me what to do she didn't even know whole story and telling me what to do like others readers don't have any problem she didn't know the story and start commenting bro like just now I reply to her she is telling me not to do she then she call me I'm being rude , if I answer she also has problem with that , I'm what the sh** is going on I'm talking to her nicely and she just come and writing cursing if you don't like any part just leave the story in the start of the story I write everything like don't write this type of things .

Now she is telling me not to curse but  she did  I can say whatever ever thing I want to said  I know whether what is correct to say or no I'm also a individual  who knows what to do or not but let me tell u girl when you write the whole s*** in the below of your comments something like offensive come what was that 🧐

So guys pls don't comment like this like girl you are reading my  story and also cursing at me If anyone of you don't like this I think you people know how to remove this story from library or simply just left it .

And people have problem with kissing her guys she is just a kid  everyone does and they are related okay  you people don't know the story and telling me what to do .

And guys I have my own life , I reply her when I open my Wattpad immediately but still she have problem . (Guy's main humesha online nhi rehti )
Whenever I know someone is asking something to me I immediately reply at them and. In previous notice I write everything that I'm little bit busy so I can't upload chapter right now .

And guys I appreciate to the people's who are reading my story and enjoying it , I'm very grateful for them I know there is good people also 💗✨

~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now