chapter -7

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Then she feels that she is  sitting on someone lap see look up word and come to face and face with those blue eyes she got relaxed in heels and hold his neck and move her head on his neck of neck suddenly she remember all the things that happen and realise she is sitting on someone strangers lap see try too go far away from his hold but he did not let her do this and thighten the hold around her

She said to him leave me I do not know you you are a stranger what if you are a bad person .He was speechless what to say then he said I'm not stranger my name is kael now you know me I don't harm you and I'm not bad person . Now tell me what is your name she get off guard she did not want her guard down she did not want to believe anyone but she hear some faint voice that telling her to believe him he will save her .she was hearing someone is  saying they are coming they will save you is he is the one her mother was saying to her that he will protect her until she did not became.

They will take care of her until she was ready to choose her thrown and became queen until she complete her revenge and when her all  power come to her .It is true if she believe them they will not break her trust she did not want her wall go down that she has made .

and then she remember all the things happen the revenge how her happy family break ,how she born again, how her family did not believe her, how they send her boarding school ,how those man try to harm her , how her mother  save her and give her own life ,how her accident happen , how she was feeling immense power in her , how she is feeling pain she have to bear all this things in her age she didn't deserve all this things no she didn't.  but she can not give up  what about the sacrificees of her parents she is born to take revenge from her parents but it is difficult that she did. Not remember last moment with her mother what she was saying , telling her she can't remember it is too much for her she also want to depend on someone but she can't she doesn't want to let her trust ,hope ,love ,heart break again and again .

She come out of her thought when she hear that  kael was asking her name  hey  sweet sugar what happen what is your name she kept mum but he tried to manipulat her then what if she tell her name about her something he again said to her sweet sugar it is not fair I tell my name but you did not tell me your it is so rude of you here I am helping you .she said.  Done  ,done your. manipulation thing nice try but I didn't fall in your trap did I ? With a slight smirk she asked him .

He was amazed no no he was  shocked ,no ,no ,no he was speechless  words are nothing to explain that how a little girl got to know his trick to manipulate her  she didn't fear him but he feel she did not trust him  it is hard to believe but she was made for them ,only them .

He can't help but said you are amazing and intelligent ,she said I know everyone said that you are not only hwo compliments me .ok sweet sugar tell me your name my name is adeliana de-lu I mean adeliana my name is adeliana  he hmm only  he feel something that she is hiding . She groan in pain my all body is aiching and paining my head is beating like fuc she didn't able to complete her sentence when he glare at her but she shrug and said anyway hurt like fucking bitch and pout he is again speechless the Italy Mafia capo and  second royal
prince is speechless  .Then she again asked where are we going she feels fear asking him yes she feel afraid of him he said my home she again asked do you live alone no I leave with my four brothers. She feels fear 4 more man
and she pout again he looked down at her and can't resist and kiss her red button nose and said cute my sweet sugar she is speechless she didn't know what to do and wipe his lips and her nose with her back off hand  he narrow his eyes at her and said let's go she asked where he said we are here when she look forward she sees a lavish mansion she was awe in beauty of mansion he pick her up and go inside the mansion .

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