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She was not feeling anything like how she suddenly get flashback of her past and that anger her and how she used her power .

She is feeling numb and she fell in darkness after hour she can hear everything but she wasn't able to open her eyes she was hearing everything but can't able to react . feeling helpl that no one is with her the warmth she was feeling with kael suddenly disappeared she knew to not let her guard down but she didi and now she regret it .

In darkness she saw a door and light coming out of there she move toward and see a beautiful place it is so peaceful she feel like nostalgia hit her magical ferries , magical people and slowly slowly step towards all the flashback hit her how she spend her time with her parents ,the laugh,the peace ,the joy but all scattered like a glass a drop of tear fall down from her eyes and roll down to her cheeks and drop In the ground suddenly the grounds flower start blooming like their source come again and give her the path to go forward and she suddenly halt in a place she saw a beautiful palace and their stand alot of guard when thet saw her they bow in her respect knelr down adeliana move inside the palace and she get astonished she roam her eyes everywhere she observe all the thing when she touch them she got all the flashback she get upstairs and she see pictures of herself and her parents she touch all of them and remember all the things she knelt down and started crying , sobbing her heart out suddenly outside start raining like all the things are crying for the misery with adeliana .

Suddenly a voice come don't cry adeliana I may not physically their for you but I'm seeing you and you're doing very well ,

adeliana look everything but she is not able to see her .

Momma where are you why I can't i see you momma and she start crying .

My muffin don't cry you are not weak you no baby

Momma but I am alone no one is here for me even you are also why I have to near all this things it's paining mommy .mumma i want you why you leave me alone here why you leavee mom why you leave me ?

Don't cry baby I may be not their for you but they are they will protect you .

Mumma i use my power 'yes i know baby ' listen careful adeliana you are very week to use your power when you will get better you power will come back slowly slowly .

And you have to wait for take your revenge you can't go on your own and you have to learn all the things you have to get better to use your power just listen when you get angry your power ce out from your body so control your anger baby you know mumma is with you and trust you .

Whenever you feel to come here it's you palace ,it's your home kist close your eyes and think of this place and the door will open for you they all knows you because you are the next queen .

And you are very week to use your power baby I have to soon go anytime over communication can be over for now so I will tell you something their is a room behind you go inside and their is a book in the table get that book on that there is everything you know like of you are injure their are certain things list there and you can use that thing to heal you in that book there are certain things listed their as you know you are the next queen and the morrigan the book will tell you everything the doubt and mystery when the time come the book will enclose all the things .

Adeliana go their and pick the book she flip the pages but after some pages the book is empty she said momma after some pages the book is empty .

That's the thing I'm telling you when the right time come the book pages is written on their own and the letters will appear .

My baby I know you are very strong but you have to trust mumma baby read all the things carefully in the book baby and you know I love you baby

I love you too mumma

But know I have to go you know how to come here and to go back you have to think of earth and that place you want to go close your eyes and think and you will get there .This called teleportation .ok now you have to go by my muffin .
By mumma .

Black dot appear infront of her eyes her vision get blur she can't move her body she can feel everything but she can't able to speak nor she have strength suddenly darkness slowly approach her and she sleep on deep slumber .


~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now