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hey guys so i changed the cover and in previous chapter if you see previous cover just ignore it

and finally i'm back


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when she hears her daughter pleading for help she immediately pulls her hand toward her heart and close her eyes and she
teleported their when she reach their she falls on her knees she saw her daughter in the middle of road blood coming out from her body her eyes were close her body was lifeless she immediately go toward her and touch her forhead and close her eyes to see what happen and she cry out in pain

t_te_tesoro no she scream no wake up don't do this to your mother you can't die you have to take revenge for us ,for you, for ur dad .......ijust found you i can't afford to loose you again tesoro .

Adeliana see your mother is here i am here sweety you are the only reason that i'm here you have to kill them who kill our happy family baby also you have to take revenge from de santis family hwo does not believe you i thought that it was safe place for you but i was wrong  i am sorry my aeliana i'm sorry i'm late to save you ...wake up ,wake up i have to kill those man ...i have to kill those man __ i ha_ve_have to

she stand up teleported where the man's were running she grabs one man neck and twist it he died at that moment she leave him and run toward another she grabs him from him and pulled out his heart with her long nails and then she use her power and she cut the another man dick and burn all three man alive

she goes toward her and bent down and place her head on her lap now i have only way to keep you alive  and then she put her hand on her heart and place her another hand on her own heart and said

Я богиня творения, отдающая свою жизнь моей дочери и оставляющая свою силу и свою территорию, отдаваемую моей дочери, теперь она лидер всего мира богов, и теперь она Морриган, богиня смерти, войны, пророчеств, жира, созидания и разрушение

(translation -i goddess of creation giving my life to my daughter and leaving my power and my territory giving to my daughter now she is the leader for all the god world and now she is morrigan the the goddess of death ,war,prophecy ,fat ,creation and destruction )

у нее есть высшая сила, и теперь она возглавляет весь наш мир, поддерживает мир, убивает всех наших врагов и мстит.
[я богиня творения, отдающая свою жизнь, чтобы дать новой жизни мир, любовь, запах, доверие, истина, верность — все в моем сердце]

(translation-she have the ultimate power and now she lead our whole world and maintaine peace and kill all our enemy and take revenge
[i goddess of creation giving my life to give new life peace , love ,odour ,trust ,truth,loyalty all in my heart] )

then she  cut her wrist the blood is coming from her wrist  she made adeliana drink the blood and  slowly slowly adeliana heart begin to breath but her mother started to feel difficult in breathing and her heart slowly slowly stopping then she said {теперь мне пора идти, детка, они идут, они помогут тебе, как только ты проснешься, ты будешь постепенно узнавать, что произойдет, пока не придешь в себя

(translation-now it's my time to go my baby they are coming they will help you once you wake up you will know slowly what happen until you revover )

послушай, Аделиана, у меня мало времени, помни, что я с тобой, Аделиана, во всех аспектах жизни, ты должен достичь своей цели, ты должен мстить всякий раз, когда тебе нужно что-то сказать, просто ты должен сказать это, чтобы написать «каждый раз, когда ты есть, я просто нужен ты

по душам»

меня здесь не будет, но я слышу тебя, потому что мы связаны сердцами до тех пор, пока ты не станешь королевой и пока ты не завершишь свою месть, и все тайны раскроются сами собой, если ты попытаешься их разгадать.
они идут, и теперь мое время истекло, мне пора идти

(translation-listen adeliana i don't have much time remember i am with you adeliana in every aspect of life you have to complete your purpose yuo have to take revenge whenever you have to say something just you have to say this to line "whenever you are i just need you

with heart to heart "

i will be not here but i can hear you because we are connected to heart until you crown to be queen and until you ccomplete your revenge and all the mystery will unsolve on their own if you tried to solve it
they are coming and now my time is over i have to go )  

then suddenly in the sky thunderstorm started wind is blowing hard and then suddenly adeliana mother vanish in air like she never exist and rain is started like they were crying for lose of their goddess.

adeliana can feel everything but can't open her eyes she everything that wahat her mother were saying she can feel the pain of lose of her mother the only person that she can believe she have no one now .she can't feel anything just pain ..sorrow

she can feel how her body aches and her head pounded so hard she can not open her eys she was not able to say anything she has regret how she fail how her only person gone ..

she can hear the thunder and rain and can remember her own family did not believe her harm her and now only person is also gone  and then suddenly darkness start to consuming and suddenly she heard a car coming toward her direction and say он-помоги-помоги мне before she can saw anything she fainted because of alot of blood loses.

(translation-he-help-help me)


so hy strawberries 😎
how you feeling about this chapter 😄
who are they in the car and who are they that her mother was talking about 👀
and what mystery👀

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