chapter -15

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Third person's pov -

In morning atlas woke up he notice  someone is sleeping on him when he sees he saw adeliana sleeping on him  her squeezy cheeks press into his chest she is looking beautiful , adorable, when he first saw her he knows she is made for them , their,only their sister  .

He remember that he is not her first choice she choose to go to kael then Elio, Arran ,and in the last his room ,he wakes  up  at night because he hear  thunderstorm  outside  and  then it starts raining .

Arran , kael , Elio , Ezekiel is not here because they have some buisness that's why they are not here  since adeliana is here one of them stay here with her they can't  left her alone .

 He felt little jealous tha kael is her first choice  no offence because he didn't talk to her at all  and he well knows that it is hard for adeliana  because he knows one thing  she have to go  through alot of things in her 6 years of life .

He feel rage when he thinks how somebody hurt her. and he is damn sure  that she is not normal ,they are connected to her  the marks and all the magic she is doing ,they are searching about it , searching everywhere to know the mystery to know how  their only parents died they are damn sure it was not an accident because they have very little memory of the accident that happened that was the  day where the hell is begin for them . All of his brothers remembered that someone  give life to them ,that their is some women who save them  but  her face is blur but they know she is not human but something like his little Sunray because they felt they  are alike .He ignore the feelings..

That was very hard for them but when  adeliana came in their life it's like light is entering in the darkness and lighten all the dark  .

He knows that she is his  little Sunray  . He can feel the changes  and it is good .

He come out of his thoughts and look at her he slowly kissed her forehead  and cheeks  and wake her up she slowly opened her eyes  and look at him when she saw him ,she  closed her eyes again  and tighten her hold around him to not let go . He awwed at her home cute is she looking doing that  .  Beside him  there  was. his phone he picked it and send it to their group chat of the brothers to make them jealous because he sure want to get on their nerves .

He get up holding her and move towards washroom  when he enters there  he made her sit on the slab  when he look at her fr she look so damned annoyed  he ignored the glare she was giving him for hell he was feeling intimidating  by  her glares  . He quickly make her brush her teeth and made her bath and make her ready  once all his brothers come home they will go shopping for  her  things.  for now they are ordering clothes for her to wear  for now  once they will get their they will buy everything for her  and he feels  very excited .

Later he made plan that they will eat outside .Soon he get downstairs  freshly bathed  looking all glorious , handsome He Picked her up in his  arms and click a picture of him and her after clicking pictures he put his phone in the pocket and move towards the garage  opener his Lamborghini door made her sit and he himself sat on the driver seat  and start driving  .

They first go to hospital for adeliana checkup  and the report is fine she is healing fast and she is alright now after alot of effort she is alright but she will face Litt pain but that's all .

 After doing everything in the hospital  he  took her to the restaurent and  he sign wiater to come and he give the order for food he order  Korean food  . After few seconds later the food arrive she start  eating  happily . He smiled looking at her eating happily that what he wished for .

After paying the bill they left from there and he plan to take adeliana  amusement park

To be continued......

Next chapter will be long guys I know this one is very small .

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