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Long ass chapter guys
Enjoy and I'm back guys

author pov -

When everyone come upstairs they were amused they saw adeliana holding knife and daeva was screaming and crying loudly in pain .francesco come and slap adeliana she was tried to say that he did not do anything but they do not hear her then emiliano shout at her  just fucking stay silent don't say anything .Agustino lifts daeva up in his arms then rush to the hospital followed by francesco ,agusto and enzo.Emiliano was glaring at adeliana  then rush to follow them they didn't care about adeliana.whiloe she was broken in too many pieces she was crying then aeliana say to her don't cry adeliana its not your fault it's their fault who didn't even tried to understand you and they will regret it later you are not that weak adeliana we are not weak we have to fight ,we have to take revenge adeliana don't become weak they don't deserve you .

Now dont cry we have  to call mom so let me tell  you how to connect her just keep your right hand and place in your herat and then close your eyes and call mom adeliana do what aeliana say to her on the hand god of creation receive the signal and tell her that she can't come today but she will come day after tomorrow so just bear it today .
On the other hand they admit daeva in hospital doctor took her to the ICU and start the surgery they were all tense and thinking about how can she do that they were fuming in anger after 2hour doctor come outside and tell them that if in 1 hour she did not wake up then its chances of going in coma.After hearing this  francesco said enzo to take care of daeva and they will coming in some moment after saying this francesco asked emiliano ,agustino and agusto to come with him and they rush out to go their mansion after reaching their they come to adeliana room ans they saw adeliana sitting in corner of the room emiliano come forward and stand her in her feet and then slap her the slap was to harsh for her and she fell in the floor agustino move toward the basement and pick up a road and heat the road in fire and move toward adeliana room after reaching their he was going to burn adeliana but francesco hold him but it was too late the road touch the adeliana back and she screan in pain .

Franceso shout at agustino and tell him are you fucking out of mind agustino you are trying to burn your own sister remember we id not kill or torcher and child then augusto say dad this fucking bitch deserve this she is not our sister if she was our sister then she did not tried to kill mom and daeva she is a fucking murderer.Then emiliano say dad i think we have to send her boarding school away from daeva and mom far away from us this bitch does not deserve to live with us
francesco think about it and then said yes after hearing that adeliana tried to explain them that she did not do anything but agusto slap her again and francesco said to her that you have to go borading school any how then he order the maid to pack her things and ready her. Adeliana had not energy to fight with them and she fainted her brothers and her father did not care about it and left the room.

Her outfit ☄️💖

francesco contact the school and signed the paper then he order the maid to bring adeliana downstairs after she gets her downstairs francesco hold her and move toward the car throw her in the backseat and order the driver to take her adeliana keeps begging them to not let her go and she tried to expplain them but they did not hear her

after reaching their a madam took her to her room adeliana did not talk to anyone there and  they beat her everyone there bullied her but she can't do anything because she did not get her power properly after 2 months she saw that everyone leaving the boarding school she thought that her parents will also come she had the tiny hope that also scatter in pieces she hide in her room but everyone leave her alone there not caring about her after moment she hear some male voices aeliana tried to say her not to come outside but she did not hear her and come out .

She saw that there were so many males their and talking about some trafficking ..she tried to hide herself but end up falling in floor everyone snap there head toward her she stand up tried to run but one of the men catch her and tried to touch her anbormally suddenly her hand start shining and she puch him with help of her pwer and  bite his hand and the mens grip losses and she fall in floor the men got angry and beat her, her whole body was paining and swollen she was crying and all men started laughing at her one of the men said she is perfect for me send her to my room after hearing that aeliana said adeliana to run away as fast as she can and at the moment she started running all men saw that she running away and they all ran behind her .After running she was tired she sat in a place beacause she use her power and her body did not bear the power she saw that the men are coming toward her she stand up and start running suddenly a car hit her ans she fall in the road golden blood oozing out of her body she place her right hand on her heart and call her save me ....h-h-help...m-e i'm dying ,p-p-please me and she fainted ..........................................................................................................


hy my strawberries 💖☄️
how are you my people 😎
so how you feeling about this chapter 🧐
is this the end of adeliana?..🥺
or her mother get to save her?🥺

Ur truly author 😎

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