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He stop the car and come out from his seat then his man come and open the passenger seat and tried to pick adeliana suddenly kael come ans stop him for piacking her up he feel something that push him to stop his man he said in his cold voice "ti ho detto di andarla a prendere?"
(tanslation-did i said you to pick her up )

nessun capo
(translation-no boss)

quindi togliti di mezzo e quando ti ho detto di fare qualcosa, allora fallo. Non fare niente di tuo
(translation-so just get out of my way and when i said you to do something only then do .don't do anything of your own)

He pick her up and took her to the private jet the doctor come and took her to the one room and clean her wound and took her to the ventilater and made her wear the breathing mask they put her on drip the doctor siad to kael "capo, ha perso molto sangue e dobbiamo fare qualche scansione per poter capire la sua situazione"
(translation -boss she has lost lot of blood and we have to do some scan then we can tell the situation of her )

"quindi cosa stai aspettando a trattarla?"
(translation-so what are you waiting for treat her "

capo, non abbiamo macchine qui, dobbiamo portarla all'ospedale il più velocemente possibile perché penso che possa andare avanti, sembra che abbia così tante lesioni interne, solo che speriamo che non abbia un panno in testa allora arrivano le loro possibilità di entrare
(translation-boss we don't have machines here we have to take her hospital as fast as we can because i think she can go on come it looks like she has so many internal injury just we hope then she don't have bloth cloth on her head then their is chances of going in come )

ordina al pilota di avviare velocemente il jet
(translation-order pilot to start the jet fast )

si Capo
(translation-yes boss)

then he go toward a seat and sat down and rest her had backward in the seat and close his eyes and put his hand on his head and think about his situation .

He goes russia beacuase of some important meeting to reconcile but all the things got complicated then he met her he didn't even know the name of the little girl  who is she ,who is her family he feel something he feel attachment toward her ,her face , her doe eyes, her button nose ,her pouty lips a smile come on his face then he stop smiling he didn't smile in years he didn't have any reason to smile and he think about it that how the little girl didn't scared of him even adult people got scared of him .

Anyone didn't have any courage to speak to him they all got tremble in fear but in his whole life he for the first time feel fear that what if the girl got die or go on coma he feel sudden burden in his heart .But adeliana health is going compicated because it took so many time after 4 hours they landed on  italy kael go toward adeliana and pick her in his arm and hold the drip and go out of the jet the guard open the door of the car he  sat on his Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire Droptail with adeliana in his lap adeliana immediately hold his suit in tight grip and he tighten the hold around her then he order ethan to drive toward the de -santis hospital .

They reach their and he pick adeliana and goes toward the hospital the doctor come woth stretcher and he lay down adeliana and doctor took her to the icu and thry treat her wound and and do the scan of her body it come blood cloth in her back of her head the doctor immediately go out and tell kael that they need blood beacause she lose alot of blood but there is problem her blood is rare AB Negative kael told doctor that he has the same blood and goes toward blood bank and give his blood the doctor come and tell him that she have  fracture in her hand and leg and has blood cloth in her head .

kael told the docotr that "gli ha detto che voleva portarla a casa"
(translation-he told he rthat he want to take her home )

capo, non può succedere, dobbiamo esaminarla per le prossime 72 ore
(translation-boss it can't happen we have to examine her for next 72 hours )

È mio ordine di dimetterla dall'ospedale, organizzerò un medico nella mia villa e invierò la migliore squadra di medici nella mia villa
(translation-It is my order to discharge her from the hospital, I will arrange a doctor in my villa and send the best team of doctors to my villa)

Capo make sur she did not take any stress because their is high chance of her slipping in coma .
He nod toward in acknowledgement

Make her wear this dress he handed toward the doctor and took it from him and goes inside the ward and made her wear then

He discharged her from hospital and take her to his mansion then adeliana suddenly open her eyes and she observe  that they are in car


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Adeliana outfit

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Adeliana outfit

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