chapter -13

122 4 1

Third person pov -

In morning adeliana hear murmur of someone oh she is so cute ,  how adorable  she is looking while sleeping , we should wake her up , hey don't shout so much talk slowly some one Said coming from the center  ,, look she is waking up ,

Adeliana slowly opened her eyes  and notice there are so many people she rub her eyes and  sit up and  look towards them she saw that kael 's. all brothers are here except of  kael  . When she look towards them she saw they are looking at her no no staring at her   she also looked at them and ask where is el  . They all are starting at her dumbfounded eyes widen  and they asked her .

For adeliana it is hard for her to talk because all attention are on her  . Then one by one all of them asked at their cold voice ,who is el how do you know him , we have to check it how is he in hell  . Adeliana answer at them at same cold voice "where is kael  , he's name is el ,that send shiver to their body she is mysterical there is some strange secret that attracts them they know she hold so many secrets sometimes she is more scary then them and they know if they make her angry they have to bear the consequences because they have saw earlier . It's shame to say that the most scary mafia are scared at her . 

Once they realised what she said to them they all asked  her at the same time you give him nickname  yes so what and she shrug that it's nothing .They all  are feeling jealous first she is feeling so much  comfortable  with him but not with them and also freaking gave him nickname not to them .They are burning in the anger and jealousy .

Now can you answer where is el , he have. some work that's why he is not here  she nods and again saw them staring at her , she told them I know I'm beautiful and gorgeous but please don't stare at me like creep they all roled their eyes at her word but anyway she is beautiful in their whole life they never saw so beautiful girl like her if anyone sees her they will instantly attracted towards her that's they want to hid her , cage her .

Then elio come forward and pick her up and said let's go and freshen you up she take once glance at arran , atlas , Ezekiel and rolled her eyes and put her head in shoulder of elio . Elio made her brush her teeth and  make her bath as it is difficult for her  to do  then he bandages her and apply ointment at her wounds she is healing slowly slowly.

Elio notice that adeliana is starting at his wrist then she asked her what are you looking at when she hear what he said she stalted when he asked her again  she hesitate  and said that mark on you wrist I also have and. I noticed all your  brothers have on their wrist .

Elio hmmm and didn't said anything because he also want to know why he and all of his brothers has that mark on their wrist .

He noticed that she said your brothers he feel angry but didn't said anything as it takes time for her to accept it but she have to accept this changes any how , so what If he is the mother han of the family but he is also possessive and he. Know how to make his things his own .

he make her ready  and. Bring. her at the breakfast table  and made  her eat her breakfast and he also eat himself other  three took glances in her way .

Suddenly the front door open and kael come injured at fall in the floor they all ran towards kael and looked at his state he is injured elio also stand up hold adeliana in his arm and take her towards them . Suddenly what come inside adeliana she tugged elio shirt and sign him to let her go towards kael . He slowly made her stand her sit near kael . Kael was also looking at her as his eyes start to close . Adeliana slowly bring her hands near his wounds then golden ,red, silver , purple lights are coming from her hand  all brothers looked at her amazed are eyes colour changes to  golden orbs .

She roam her hand at his wounds kale was feeling good  he didn't feel any  pain  his all wounds start to heal  once it is done adeliana suddenly fell on top him .....


So guys I want to tell you that adeliana has adapt the emotions of her brothers where she sees that they behaved cold , scary , intimidating she adapt their Nature as it is normal for her because she sees people nature and adapt it that's why she had those things .

~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now