chapter -14

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Third person's pov -

When adeliana fell unconscious on top of kael ,kael hold her everyone start  panicking but in those panicking kael is more astonished that his major injury is alright she heal him .

Kael stand up holding adeliana and took her to her room and made her lay down on the bed ,everyone come inside her room  arran said call the doctor and tell him to come her ,after a moment the doctor come and check her then doctor tell him that she is fine just some weakness and her body can't bear too much for now neither physically nor emotionally I have written some medicines buy them and made her eat and take care of her it's not good for her to take too much stress  . Kael asked the doctor  when she will wake up , the doctor said  she is sleeping for now because she is tired  when she will complete her sleep she will wake up that's all I will take my leave  they all nod to her and the doctor leave immediately . 

Then arran said to all his brothers i think  after she use that magic  to heal kael it burn her out she is not ready to use her power because she is weak did you check about those marks no our wrist and her , and about her power Ezekiel nod his at and said no I'm trying to find but it's like nothing evidence or proof for us it's just like it didn't happen now .or never

He not at him in the acknowledge

In those things one person is silent who didn't said anything just nod and keep silent  and observe all things 

Everyone leave her room to give her space when she will sleeping after 6 hour she wake up and remember how she uses her power to heal him  then she remember the diary she tried to find it but it is nowhere then she remember she hide it under the bed  . She slowly bend down and get down under the bed and pull the diary outside then she locked the door and picked the diary and goes towards the bed and  climbed it , when she touches the book the book start glowing  when the  book come contact at her touch  when she open the book her sight fall on the page where something is written she read it .

"I'm bound by a start and a finish line,

A journey that begins must eventually decline.

All things must return to their rightful place,

A cycle that repeats, a story's steady pace.

My pages turn, my chapters unfold,

A tale of triumph, or a story grown old.

I have a beginning, a middle, and an end,

A narrative arc, a story to amend.

I hold the trust, the pain, the agony,

A curse that's borne, until the story's free.

Once time runs out, and revenge is done,

My ending comes, and I must be gone.

I'll let go, and return to my place,

A story ended, a new one takes its space.

First when she read she isn't able to understand it it's just like a riddle  she was thinking deeply when suddenly it  hit her 

I'm bound by a start and a finish line,

A journey that begins must eventually decline.

All things must return to their rightful place,

A cycle that repeats, a story's steady pace

She was able to understand it My pages turn, my chapters unfold,

~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now