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Third person's pov

In morning sun light peeking through window of a room where two people are sleeping suddenly he woke up and sees she is hugging him and he wrap his arm protectively .If their is any other person he didn't give a fuc..k but she is special .He looked at her face cute face pouty lips ,eyes her puffy cute fluppy cheeks .

He poke his finger in her cheeks so soft and fluffy he caress her face she is sleeping hugging him . suddenly his eyes fell on her a mark it's familiar he knows about it he gently hold her wrist and looked at the mark it is the mark they were searching about it they were trying to find the person with this mark , a birth mark that is similar to their . And at that moment he knew she is their she is bound to them she is the one they were searching for , and she is the one who will reveal all the past all those things happened years ago.

But he knows one thing that what will be the future he never leave her or make her leave even his brothers are not agree with him he come out of his thoughts and see his sweet suger he feel sad that she has to bear all those things he fears what if he had not go to that route or what if he hadn't able to see her or saved her . She had died on the cold road  thinking about this he feel pain . He thightly hugged her .


He gently untangled  her with his body he get up and wrap her carefully in the comforter and he move towards his room to go freshen up . He come out of the room towel hanging around his waist a sexy body he fastly wear his clothes a white shirt that hug his body perfectly and a black cargo pants he set his hair and wear his cologne and left from their to go towards adeliana room to wake her up.

 He come out of the room towel hanging around his waist a sexy body he fastly wear his clothes a white shirt that hug his body perfectly and a black cargo pants he set his hair and wear his cologne and left from their to go towards adeliana room t...

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Kael outfit

Said to be he is selfish yes he is selfish he is happy that he has all the attention of adeliana he his happy that he  has all time to spend with her and make her comfortable with him and make his brothers jealous that's why he didn't go to office and also he has to take care of her .

When he reach their he saw she is still sleeping because of medicine he move towards her bed and gently wake her up sweet sugar wake up , sweet sugar wake up baby she stir in her sleep but again sleep. 

He carefully pick her in his arm and try to wake her up again sweet sugar wake up and kissed her cheeks she slowly open her eyes and start panicking  but she realised that someone pick her up in his arm and sees kael smiling towards her .He said wake baby let's get you freshen up he took her in washroom and made her sit while she doing her buisness he leaves her and start preparing bath for her once he done he move towards the room as nd a knock come when he open the door he sees the maid  bring clothes for her he take the clothes and close the door he put the clothes on the bed and move towards the washroom he made adeliana sit in the slab and remove her clothes , bandages and  made her sit in the bath tub he wahes her hair as and gently made her bath after bathing her he wrapped her in a cute towel looking cute and  adorable .

~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now