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There was a car coming her she tried to scream but she wasn't able to suddenly the car stop and a man aka  (greek god) with blue eyes come down from his car he saw someone laying in the road and blood was coming from her body he go toward her and saw a little  girl laying conscious

he crouch down and touch her face and she start glowing he move her air strand from her face he got mesmerized by her beauty suddenly then the girl half opened  her eyes he again got mesmerized by her eyes blue green eyes the girl start whimping in pain he come out from his la la land he scoop her in his arm and open the car door and sattle her in the passenger seat and fastened the seat belt then he close the door and jog toward driver seat he got settle in his seat and close the door also fastened the seat belt  he start driving and rush toward the hospital suddenly his phone start buzzing and then goes off.

He immediately  pick up the phone and started speaking  cold hearted that gave shivers a person  "salve, organizza immediatamente il mio jet privato e organizza la forza del dottore nel mio jet, sto raggiungendo il loro e rafforzando la sicurezza quelle otarde mi stanno seguendo e se attaccano, uccidile, catturale e torturale. )

(translation-hello immediately arrange my private jet and arrange doctor force in my jet  i'm reaching their and tighten the safety those bustard are following me and if they attack kill them and catch them and torture them . )

He cut the call and call someone on the other line someone picked the call "Ethan sto tornando, non dirlo ai miei fratelli e organizza l'equipe medica appena atterro lì non vado a casa, andiamo in ospedale”

sì, capo.capo, dovrei informare il re? no,
(translation-boss,  should i inform the king?)

glielo dirò io stesso quando arrivo sarò lì
(translation-no, I will tell him myself when I arrive there)

sì capo

he cut the call and fastened the speed of the car suddenly he hear a sound he took a glance at her she is whimping in pain she started crying silently "это так больно, как сука" (translation-it hurts so much like a bitch ) he was amused for a second seeing a little girl  cursing soon he said "эй, малыш, не плачь и не говори плохих слов"

(translation-hey little one one don't cry and don't use bad word)
but it's hurt he looked at the little girl her red face due to so much crying in pain ,her pouty lips that turned red due to blood and cuts and  her eyes that gives him a unknown a peace then the girl suddenly who are you will you hurt me like those bad boys . No i will not hurt you i will you help you Amore mio

"ma ho perso mia madre" and she started crying
(translation-but i lost my mother )
he does not know how to console someone even a little girl but he tried "non piangere, piccolo, va tutto bene"
(translation-Don't cry, little one, everything's okay)

you are bad at consoling people the little girl said he was again amused that how a little girl know such word and does not scared from him and talking like a normal people even adult got from him even talk to him .
the girl said i'm thirsty

He stop the car and pick a bottle from backseat and gave her she was not able to drink the bottle he made her drink the bottle the girl slowly touch his hand he felt something the girl brings his hand close to her mouth ans wipe the water from her mouth in his sleeve he again got amused by her action that she freakin don't get scared from him .

Then  suddenly the girl got fainted and he started panicking and start the car and drove fastly and after 40 min..he reach the airport.



so guys how you feeling😎
and who is the guy👀

691 words

~•miraculous Adeliana •~ •{the Morrigan} (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now