Chapter One

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Today was the day of our last shot at getting funding for our mission into space. The last chance for us to go research ways to help find cures for many diseases. We were already shut down by NASA and a few other places, which had definitely destroyed Reed's confidence and Ben's patience, yet reignited my determination to make this happen.

We were on our way to go see Victor Von Doom. I personally detested the thought of going to ask that greedy sellout that only uses science to further his personal wealth to help with this once in a lifetime mission to cure disease. I know it may seem like I'm making too big of a deal out of this, but in my eyes it's like treason to science, how he doesn't care to use his semi brilliance to help people every now and then.

When we arrived at his evil corporate lair, there was a ridiculously large statue of him outside. I understand that he is completely full of himself, but this is way too much.

"Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30-foot statue of himself." Ben smiled at me when he heard the obvious disdain in my voice. Greatest thing about my big brother, we hate the same people. It's like we share genetic hatred of idiotic people. Reed on the other hand, decided to believe that people have good in them. Annoying, I know.

"Well, it's obviously aimed at first-time visitors to create feelings of smallness...inadequacy." The worst part was, it looked like Reed was actually going along with what he said the statue was meant to do. And I wasn't the only one to pick up on it.

"Good thing it ain't workin'. Reed, what are we doing here? This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science." Ben was trying to help Reed maintain his confidence, well what's left of it.

"This wasn't our first stop, in case you forgot NASA. Besides, Victor's not that bad. He's just a little...larger than life." Of course he had to bring up NASA! My 'friends' there had mocked me for 'dedicating my genius to a crackpot theory based on fantasy and broken physics'. Of course after insulting Reed, I may or may not have been carried out by brother preceding my declaration of wanting to test my hypothesis of how far I could stick a beaker up their...well you get the picture.

"Hi, Reed Richards and Ben and Aurora Grimm-" We got up to the front desk of Von Doom's building. The lady behind the desk really didn't look like she should be anywhere near regular people, let alone greeting them. Then again this is Victor Von Doom's building, so it's not all that surprising.

"Executive elevator. Top floor." There once again, I was right. Not all that unusual for a genius, but I could maybe be classified as slightly socially awkward, so I'm proud for being able to read her.

"What's it take to get a smile around this joint?" Of course, my brother kept his wonderful sense of humor at all times.


We were part way into our presentation while Von Doom sat motionless in the shadows. I would expect nothing less from a man with the name Von Doom.

"My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm born on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life. In six weeks another cloud with the same elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit. A study, conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge about the structure of the human genome cure countless diseases, extend human life give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier-"

"Turn it off please" Of course he interrupted at the part about helping dying children. Again it shouldn't take a genius to realize a man named Von Doom was completely evil!

"I don't think I've explained my proposal fully."

"No, I think you have." As Victor cut Reed off once again, I found myself wanting to knock him right back into the creepy shadows he had emerged from.

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