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Six months later

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in my dress. It wasn't a traditional wedding dress, with the large jewels along the deep neck line going down past my waist, but it was perfect.

When I finally agreed to marry Johnny last week, he wasted no time making sure the wedding was done before I could change my mind. Ever since I caught Sue's bouquet, he has been trying to convince me that we should tie the knot, but I took a little convincing. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Johnny, I just didn't feel the need to marry him yet.

But after six months of him asking, I caved. And now that I was in the dress and had minutes to go, I was starting to get excited to become Aurora Storm. Everything about today felt perfect and I knew it would be.

Sue had spent all week making sure we wouldn't have even one fiasco. She worked so hard to save us from all the mishaps she had. It got to the point where she wouldn't rest and I had to yell at her, even bring up the baby. Reminding her of her unborn child was the only way to get her to take a break from the planning.

Speaking of the baby and his stubborn mommy, a five month pregnant Sue entered my old room in her gorgeous light pink dress with Alicia close behind. "How are you doing, Mrs. Storm?"

"I'm still a Grimm for another thirty minutes. But I can't wait until then. How's my little nephew?" Turning away from the mirror, I walked over and leaned down to her stomach.

"Johnny is just as sure it's girl. It seems like the gender of my baby might be the first fight in your marriage."

"No, that will be that I'm his favorite. Right, buddy?"

"You're not the only one in the running for favorite aunt, Ror." Alicia gave me a hug before moving out of the way for Sue to do the same.

"Argue later, it's time to get my little sister down the aisle. Then you will actually be my sister." Taking my arm, she pulled me out the door to where my brothers were waiting in the hall.

Reed stepped forward to give a hug and wish me luck before giving an arm to both my sisters. When they left I was able to turn to Ben and give him a hug, with tear filled eyes threatening my makeup.

"He's a very lucky man." As he pulled back, I could see the emotion in his eyes that made it even harder to hold in my tears.

"He's not the only lucky one. We all are. Now let's go get me married before I start crying."

Taking his arm, I dabbed my eyes and got ready to walk through the door to my future. Walking outside, I saw him standing in his tux. He had never looked this handsome or this happy before and it made my heart fill with emotion.

We wanted a small ceremony so Sue and Alicia stood on either side while Reed waited at the front to marry us. Having only our family present made it so powerful as I got to the front and looked in Johnny's eyes. As Ben gave my hand to him, I felt like I was floating from the pure happiness inside me.

After Ben moved beside Alicia, Reed started the ceremony, but my eyes never left Johnny's. "We all know what has brought us here today. And while we were surprised at first, at least Ben and I were, no one could ever doubt your love. So we're going to skip to your vows." Turning to Sue, I held out my hand for her to give me the reinforced tungsten ring.

Sliding it onto Johnny's left hand, I looked him in the eyes and completely abandoned my prewritten vows as I stared at the man I love.

"Johnny, you were my best friend, the one person who really knew me. You still are my best friend, but now you are the love of my life as well. I never thought I'd fall for you, I never meant to, but I'm so thankful I did. You complete me, Johnny Storm. I could go into detail about how my heart lights up every time I see you or how cherished you make me feel, but we could never have enough time for me to explain what you mean to me. So I'll just say this; I promise you my love, my life, my future, everything I have and everything I am will be yours long after the day I die. No matter what."

Quickly kissing my hands, Johnny turned to get my ring from Ben. It had three small diamonds on the band, and was absolutely stunning. As he slid on my finger, I was captivated by his eyes and his words.

"You are my everything. It's as simple as that. Nothing in my life would have meaning without you. You are the reason I get up in the morning. The thought of you gets me through the day. Having you in my arms is the only way I can sleep. Every time I'm in my suit, I fight to protect you. You are my strength, my love, my heart, my soul, my everything. No matter what."

I was barely aware of Reed's words as I looked at the man that made me feel more than I thought was possible. "By the power vested in my by the state of - and you're already kissing! You skipped ahead, but I now pronounce you man and wife."

Pulling back from our premature kiss, I rested my forehead against Johnny's. A smile, bigger than any before, filled my face as I heard his whispered words.

"I love you, Rory."

"I love you, Johnny."

Sadly this is the end and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read, vote, or comment. I hope you enjoyed the story and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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