Merry Christmas

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A/N: Since it is almost Christmas and in honor of this story getting over 10,000 reads and almost 500 votes, I decided to write an extra part. Just a cute little piece to celebrate the holidays and thank everyone who has taken the time to read comment and vote. Thank you and happy holidays!

"Nathaniel Jacob! Daniel Spencer! You get out here right now!"

The blonde terrors ran into the room, full of giggles, until they saw my face. When your mother is one of the world's best superheroes, you tend to be pretty defenseless against the 'mom look'. Even the occasional bad guy has stopped from the mix of disappointment and anger.

Not that I had much of a chance to discipline the five year olds as my husband walked in with our almost three year old daughter, Elsie Marie. "Give them a break, Ror." He sat beside me and handed me my little girl to calm me down. "I'm sure they didn't do anything that bad."

"They almost set their cousin on fire." He looked past my tight expression to where Sue was sitting with a hurt, emotionally not physically, Franklin. Being over a year older than our boys, he was quiet bigger than them and was already making me nervous about being the shortest.

Though he was big for his age, I could never imagine him acting with anything close to malice; the only thing in him is kindness. Which made me an easy target for the twins's pranking attitude they inherited from their father. "I'll talk to all the boys, give all my girls a chance to catch their breath."

Doing as he said he would, he quickly scooped up his favorite nephew up and called my beautiful little terror twins over. I could have watched Johnny with our children for hours, and I actually have.

When I told him I was pregnant, he passed out cold. When it was twins, he ran away for a couple hours before coming back with probably every baby supply in the tristate area. I know he still beat himself up for the reaction, but I understood and never failed to notice how attentive and caring he was to our kids and the others's.

My found memories were pulled from me as I felt small but strong hands pull my head and attention to them. Smaller and slightly brighter versions of Johnny's eyes were looking into mine as I waited to find out why she was giving me a frown.

"What did Daddy mean? He said all his girls and then he winked. That's his way of keeping secrets. Secrets are bad!"

I tried not to laugh at our surprising rule follower, but failed to fully hide my smile. "Yes they are, but Daddy and I have a surprise for you guys, but you'll have to wait. Plus he was talking about Aunt Susie. You know that she's Daddy's sister."

"Unfortunately." Sue came to join on us on the couch, leaving Frankie with Johnny and the twins as they apologized for using their powers. "I don't know how you handle him and the twins; it's like having three Johnny's!"

"He's grown up a little now that-."

"Peebles!" The loud yell from my husband cut me off as I watched him run to try and hug my brother without getting hit. While we'd were talking, Reed had come in with Valeria, their three year old, in his arms and my brother and his wife right behind without us noticing.

"Grown up?" My daughter moved off my lap to go see her best friend and cousin leaving the two of us alone while our whole family tried to fit in the living room.

"I said a little." Standing to give Alicia and Ben hugs, I gave her a shrug because he might be annoyingly immature at times, but I love the idiot. "Hey guys, good to see your family actually let you go. I thought we might have to save you from having home cooked meals all but forced down your throats."

"Nah, they showed some restraint. Still not gonna be all that hungry for lunch." He moved to sit in the chair by the Christmas tree as Alicia joined Sue and now Reed on the couch. I only had a seconds warning before Johnny wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Should we tell them before the kids lock in on the presents? You know how the boys get."

"Just like their father?" At the slight insult he pinched my waist and nuzzled his face into my very ticklish neck. Letting out a little shriek, I started laughing as the others looked over at us, still not completely used to us as a couple even though we've been married for almost seven years.

"You two lovebirds want to keep your hands to yourselves, there's kids and adults that want to keep their breakfast down." Ben's gruff voiced sounded from across the room and now the kids were also paying attention to us as Johnny still held me in his arms.

Leaning closer to his warmth, his arms got tighter as he did the only thing him and Ben know how to do. "I can't hug my wife? You don't want your nieces and nephews to know what a loving relationship looks like? You want your presents? Because we got one for all of you, but if your gonna be an as-"

"Johnny!" He gave me a slightly timid look for almost cursing in front of the kids. "You aren't allowed to talk anymore."

Once again he rubbed his nose into my ticklish neck, but he listened to my scolding. "Stop being cute and give us our present." I laughed at Sue's serious tone and watched the kids run and sit on the floor excited for gifts.

"It's less of a present and more of an announcement." This time Johnny gave me a sweet kiss on the side of the head as he waited for me to share the news with our family. "I'm pregnant."

Until then my big sweater had hide my stomach, but as everyone looked closer in their shock they noticed the bump that was too big to hide completely. Sue was the first to recover, this was the first time we'd given this news before, and wrapped us both in a big hug without a word.

All the adults started congratulating us, but we looked down to the kids on the floor. Frankie and the boys understood, but the little girls had confusion all over their face. Valeria looked at her dad for an answer, he always had one, and he laughed before leaning closer. "It means that Uncle Johnny and Aunt Rory are gonna have a little baby girl or boy."

Two tiny shrieks filled the air as they run to hug my legs at such a force that we almost fell over. The boys weren't that excited but they still looked happy as Johnny scooped up Elsie. "I'm gonna have a sissy or brother?"

Catching my eye, I saw the familiar glint of mischief that I had fallen in love with. "No honey. You're gonna have two sisters."

"Twins again?" Sue's startled voice made us laugh as the kids started talking excitedly. Ben and Reed were already arguing over who would be the favorite as Alicia distracted Sue with talk of little girl clothes.

"Happy?" Having put our little girl down, his arms found their way around my waist again as the excitement continued to distract our family.

"The most I've ever been." And I meant it. I was married to the man of my dreams. We had three amazing children and were about to have too more. Our family was happy and healthy and we continued to save the world as the Fantastic Five. I never thought I could be this happy, but I was the luckiest woman on Earth.

"I love you Johnny."

"Love you too, Ror. No matter what."

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