Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: the next two chapters contain an embarrassingly drunk Aurora! Read at your own risk.

I'd like to go on the record and say when you get a party thrown in your honor for saving the city from a sociopath, it's pretty cool. They spare no expense. Which means boat, food, and booze. The party trifecta!

And I was hitting the last one a little hard. Another glass of champagne in my lightweight hand, I was fifth-wheeling it up with my brothers and their girlfriends. Which was fine since Sue is my best friend and I'd met Alicia yesterday when I demanded Ben introduce us.

And they were bonding great as they laughed at my little dancing while I tried to ignore the science talk that I surprisingly wasn't in the mood for.

"Look, I've been crunching the numbers on the machine and if I could rework the power-"

"Forget about it, egghead. I'm good as is." My entire face was lifted in a large smile as my brother said the words that warmed my heart.

"Better than good, baby." His gorgeous girlfriend, who is a million times better person than Debbie, handed him a large metal cup. She held out her glass to touch to his, resulting in her glass shattering.

"Whoa." Sue stifled her laugh in her drink as my eyes went wide at the glass on the ground.

"You just need to work on your touch."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that."

"Ew." And I took that as my cue to leave. I found Johnny a few feet away, watching my stumble in my heels. A large grin overtook his face as he walked over to me, leaving behind the girls around him.

"Need a hand, princess?" He grabbed my shoulders and leaned them against a pillar beside us. "So to what do I owe the drunken delight, that is you?"

"Fifth-wheeling with the bros got weird. And you are the one person I know won't take advantage of my intoxicated state. You try when I'm sober too."

With a laugh, he rested his arm above my head and looked down at me. "True. I'd rather have you remember the moment that will change your life."

"Exactly! So why am I, of all the ladies on this boat, the one who has Johnny Storm's time? You said it yourself, unless I sober up real quick, you ain't getting any from me."

"So I would be if you weren't drunk? Let me get you a couple coffees!" He went to take my glass until I put a finger on his chest in a quick reprimand.

"You know what I mean."

"Well, drunk Aurora Grimm is my second favorite person in the world."

"And the first?"

"Sober Aurora Grimm."

"You might be drunker than me! You didn't say yourself. I should really get you home."

"Home. I like the sound of that. Just the two of us together in our lovers's nest."

"Shut up! We both know that is the stupidest thing you have ever said." Our light booze filled banter turned serious as he looked interested in my response.

"Why's that?"

"You honestly think you could do it?"

"Live with you? I'll admit you're a mess, but-"

"No monogamy. I've known you a very long time and never once have you just had one of anything. So your little fantasy to get me in bed isn't going to work because unlike all those other girls I know something they don't."

"Which is?"

"I know you, Johnny. I know you. And I know that you think you mean what you said but you don't really. If you even thought I'd say yes, you'd be kissing some girl in the corner before I knew you were gone."

"I might surprise you."

"I'll make you a deal. If I'm still single at 40, I'll let you marry me."


"You're lucky I'm drunk."

"Oh really-"

"Stop flirting with my sister! It's time." I grabbed Johnny's arm and pulled him over to where my brother was. We all stood watching Reed and Sue, Ben whispering to Alicia and me pulling on Johnny's arm every few seconds until he finally took my glass away.

"I found a broken gasket from space."

"A gasket? Reed, come on. We're at a party."

"And if one of us were to wear it-" A hand was clamped over my mouth as I almost let out a squeal to ruin the moment. Knowing it was Storm, I licked it which only caused him to wipe it on my shirt.

"No more thinking. No more variables." As the emotions got to be too much Sue started to turn invisible.

"Sue Storm will you marry me?" I assume she's nodding, but no one could be sure. "Sue, you kinda need to...say something."

"Oh! Yes. Yes!" The ring slide onto her invisible finger as Reed stood and gave his invisible fiancé a kiss.

"That's my nose, genius. These are my lips." As she became visible again, I turned to where my other brother was describing the scene to his girl.

"Aww. She's kissin' him." After her laugh, he looked up at Johnny and put a hand on his shoulder. "Now that the team's good, no more wisecracks about the way I look."

With a somber nod, he stepped away from me. "Hey, call me Mr. Sensitivity." Shooting me a wink, he really started moving. "Okay, wide load coming through! Everybody move! He's huge!"

"Come here, Mr. Sensitive." As Ben gave chase, I moved closer to Alicia, both of us laughing at the guys letting loose.

"Flame on!" Johnny's clothes burned away to reveal his suit as he shot into the air to draw a 5, our symbol, into the sky.

As the crowd marveled at the fiery number in the air, one not so impressed individual could be heard. "Show-off!"

A/N: In the next day or so I'm going to try and update the next chapter which is going to help pull the two movies together. Then I'll get into the Silver Surfer content.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a super fantastic day.  

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