Chapter Seven

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All around the Baxter Building cameras were flashing as people gathered around to gawk at us. Every step towards home was captured by the people who had nothing better to do than stare at the biggest freaks in New York. Sue and Reed had quickly walked into the building and I decided to wait for my brother inside, instead of in the view of the world.

I was halfway to the door when I heard Johnny call out to me. Still upset from his comments about Ben earlier, I ignored him and went inside. A minute or two later, they came inside and we were able to head to the elevator. The five of us didn't fit the best, but we made it work. Or at least we would have if we weren't over the weight limit.

Ben got out to take the stairs as he realized that the elevator wouldn't move with him in it. Making a quick decision, I jumped out before the doors shut. There was no chance that Ben wouldn't say something about me walking with him, so I hurried to the stairwell and waited for him so he wouldn't lecture me in front of Jimmy.

"Aurora, why didn't you just take the elevator. I don't need your pity." I'd expected a talk, but not him feeling like I pitied him.

"Get over yourself. I haven't had a chance to talk to my brother since I turned into a puddle because someone ran away. Sue and Reed are being too science-y and Johnny is Johnny. So you shouldn't feel pitied, you should feel honored that I want to talk to my brother so much that I voluntarily am walking up all these stairs."

He sounded like the old Ben as he laughed at me walking backwards up the stairs. "I'm sorry, kid. I guess I haven't really been a good brother."

"You are forgiven. Do you want to see something really cool?" I've been practicing ever since the tub incident and since Johnny could do it as well, I'd managed to learn to turn my hand into water. I don't think Ben even saw me shoot water out of my hand, let alone turn into it.

"Of course, I do!" I stopped walking for a minute and concentrated on my hand. After a few seconds hand started changing into water. Ben's new face showed complete shock as he saw my hand. Turning it around, you could see the small currents in my hand that I'd never noticed before. I let it change back and continued up the stairs.

"How did you..." Ben let his words let his words trail off as he realized that was my new ability. "Ok that is really cool."

"Told you so."

As we continued up the stairs, the conversation was easy and seemed like nothing had happened to change us. What felt like hours later, but was closer to ten minutes, we made it to our home.

"You don't need to beat him up, I think he was more focused on the fact I was water than the fact I was naked. I can defend my own honor, thank you very much." When I told him about Johnny walking in on me in the tub, he was excited to use it as an excuse to start a fight.

"I guess my baby sister isn't really a baby anymore."

"You just figure that out?" Our normal sibling banter was interrupted as we heard Von Doom talking with Reed. Ben gave me a little push the other direction, indicating he'd handle it. He might accept the fact that I'm not a child anymore, but I'm still his sister that he'll always protect. That's something that I have to accept.

We're going to have to run tests so I might as well start prepping the equipment. I had barely gotten into the lab area when a voice pulled me out of my concentration. "I've angered a lot of women in my life, but you might be the first where I don't know what I did."

"I find that incredibly suspicious. You must be at least twice as annoying as you are smart." Even though I knew it was futile, I kept working in an attempt to ignore Johnny. A few seconds later he proved me right by grabbing my hands to force me to pay attention.

"Fine, but you are the first where I care." I know I give him a hard time, but Johnny Storm is truly my friend and the look in his eyes proved it. He may be an annoying, insensitive, flirtatious jerk, but he still had a heart buried somewhere deep down.

"I've been your friend long enough to know it's who you are, but I still don't appreciate you making fun of Ben. This isn't easy on any of us and it's already cost him Debbie. Can you just try to be less Johnny and ease up on Ben?" A flash of remorse filled his eyes as he let go of my hands.

"Yeah of course, Ror. It's just impulse for me. Ben and I just..."

"I know. And I'd never ask you to stop completely. It's probably good for the two of you to be knocked down a couple pegs every now and then. Just think a little more when it comes to these changes. For all of us. No more calling me a puddle, flame brain."

Johnny let out a laugh he started out of the room. "Fine, but if you grow a tail all bets are off."


Sue and Reed were testing Ben and Johnny as I set up a tank for myself. I wanted to see what would happen when I went underwater. Plus I haven't been underwater since tub incident at vonDoom's facility and I was starting to get that dehydrated feeling again.

After the tank was set up, I changed into a swimsuit and waited until Reed and Sue were ready to observe my abilities. Of course, Johnny had come over to talk to me about my bikini.

"You look phenomenal. I think you should wear this all the time. Maybe we could move to California and the two of us could just live on the beach. You in your bikini and I wouldn't have to worry about burning any more shirts. Or if we were really worried about me burning my clothes, we could find a beach where-"

"Shut up, Johnny. I don't want to have to put out any more of your fires. I am more than willing to provide you with a cold shower." Using the same trick as when we first got our abilities, I shot a little bit of water at him.

He held up his hands and took a step back. "Okay, I'll play nice. Unless you want me to be naughty."

"I'm getting in the water now." I climbed up the ladder and saw Sue give me a thumbs up. Sliding in, my entire body was filled with bliss as the water ran over my body. I opened my eyes and could clearly see everyone watching me threw the glass. Once again, to see the shape of my body, you had to focus as I blended into the water.

I tried taking a deep breathe to see if I could in fact breath underwater and wasn't too surprised when I could. I saw Sue gesture for me to come out. Coming out of the water, I was perfectly dry. "So what'd you get?"

"It looks like your body is over ninety percent water and when your submerged you absorb the water around you, causing you to have an even greater water percentage."

"I can breath fine. In fact, it's easier to breath underwater."

"I figured since you were under so long. Why don't you go get changed while we set up to test Johnny's limits."

I headed down the hall with Johnny at my side. "You looked like you were enjoying yourself in the water." I wouldn't tell anyone other than him, but Johnny was right. These new abilities were stating to grow on me. "Almost like you didn't want it to stop."

"It's like nothing else I've ever felt. I just wish we all could have gotten abilities that make us feel like this." Johnny reached out to stop me beside my bedroom door.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves our powers. This way when Reed makes the machine, I won't be alone in not wanting to use."

"I never said I want to stay this way."

"You don't have to."

A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I'm trying to show other parts of Rory's life and relationships, especially in this chapter. I want to focus on how this effects her and everyone around her, not just the action.

Please have the most amazing day ever, you wonderful people!

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