Chapter Seventeen

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I think I'm dying. Or at least it feels like I am. Johnny hasn't even looked my way since the bachelor party. I haven't been sleeping since that night when he kissed me. The room was full of loaded silence whenever we were together, not that either of us could stand being in the same room longer than a minute. Our friendship was falling to pieces in front of my eyes and it was killing me slowly.

All I wanted was to go back in time and never go to that club. To stay home watching all the romantic comedies and eating all the junk food that I could get my hands on. If I hadn't gone to that stupid party to talk to Reed, none of this would've happened. My relationship with my best friend was in limbo and I have no idea how to fix this.

But I had to stop wallowing in self pity and at least act happy. Today was the wedding and I needed to put all this aside for Sue and Reed's big day.

I have no idea how long I was just standing in front of the mirror, thinking about all this. Now I was finally looking at my reflection instead of just spacing off. My blonde hair was straightened and down past my shoulders. Sue had picked out a strapless gold dress with beading on the top. I looked beautiful. I just didn't look happy.

With a deep breath, I opened my door to go into the hall. I stopped cold when I saw him standing at his door. We both stood still starring at the other, alone for the first time since that night. After a moment, I broke our eye contact and hurried down the hallway.

"Why?" His soft voice stopped me again, now turning around to have the conversation I wanted to get out of the way and avoid at the same time.

"Excuse me."

"Why aren't we talking anymore?"

"You know why."

"I know I screwed up, but why is it this bad?" He spoke more to himself than to me before he ran his hands through his hair. "We joke, we flirt. Is it really that big of a surprise that I kissed you?"

"Yes! I never thought you would actually act on our teasing. All the times you'd joke about us hooking up, I didn't really believe you meant it. You are my best friend and I thought that meant there was a line that neither of us would cross."

"Look I made a move and you shut me down. End of story. Can we just move past this? I miss you."

"I miss you too. But I can't get over the fact that you were so reckless, you were willing to risk losing our relationship for one night."

"What says we would have lost it?"

"What says we wouldn't?" I gave him a chance. A chance to tell me if he did in fact think of it as more than he usually would. Unless he said something now, which I highly doubt he would, I would truly be able to start putting my confused feelings about him behind.

He didn't say anything, but the air was easier now that we've talked a little. I wish I could continue this conversation, but today wasn't about us and I needed to check on the bride. So I gave him a real smile before starting back down the hall before turning to say one more thing.

"But for the record, if I wasn't so scared to lose you then I wouldn't have stopped you."


My emotions were going crazy, but I had them under control for the moment. Telling Johnny how I felt about what happened made me feel like I could breathe more. I was a little embarrassed I was making such a big deal over it, but Johnny has become such an important part of my life.

I opened the door to see Sue and Alicia talking. From the sounds of it, Sue was freaking out about the wedding, but Alicia had it under control. "Ben and I aren't normal, but we don't let it get in the way of us being happy. Do you love Reed?"

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