Chapter Sixteen

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"So Jonny was able to convince Reed to have a bachelor party? Aren't you concerned that the man you are about to marry might have brain damage?"

As the guys were gone, Sue had declared tonight was a girl's night in. So just like in college we were having a slumber party that was more fitting of middle schoolers. I was in my onesie as we watched the Notebook, talking about boys and pigging out on all the junk food we could get our hands on. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

"I think it's more for Johnny and Ben. Plus it's nice when they all hang out." By some miracle, I'd managed to get her into fuzzy pajamas when I usually have a hard time getting her to wear sweats. Sometimes I worry about her mental state, who doesn't love sweatpants!

"You mean it's nice when they're all gone."

"That too. Let me paint your nails so we can pick a color for the wedding." With a grown, I put my hands in her lap. It's never productive to argue with her seeing as she always wins. "Sometimes it's a little too crowded for the two of us to have much time to hang out."

"Speaking off, I've been thinking-"


"Oh quiet...I thought maybe I'd move out. Since you and Reed are getting married and I don't need to live my brothers anymore, I was considering taking one of the empty apartments downstairs. What do you think?"

Sue had stopped going through the colors as I had been talking and was giving me her full attention. "You don't have to leave."

"Not leave, just go downstairs. I'd have my own space and give the happy couple more room. Honestly, I'd planned on leaving sooner, but didn't want to split up the team. If I stay in the building then we don't have to worry about that."

She seemed to be thinking about this a lot as she started to paint my nails. "This sounds like something you really want. And you know I'll always support you. I can help you decorate! And we could turn your room into...I don't know yet, but we have options."

"Maybe a little nursery down the line." A smile graced her face as she thought of the kids I know she's always wanted.

"Maybe. What do you think Ben will say?"

"I think he might be thinking of doing the same. We were talking about how there's two nice empty apartments the floor below us. And I know Alicia is wanting to live with him. She's the one who gave me the idea."

"So just me, Reed, and Johnny? That'd be interesting." We both made a face at the thought before laughing and continuing our serious talk.

"If I left, I'd offer to have him be my roommate. I wouldn't leave him alone with the couples."

"What about your feel-"

I waved off her words as I told her the sane thing I've been telling myself. "That was just a weird fluke caused by the dreams. I'm over it." At my weak excuse, she shot me a smug, disbelieving look.

"Is that why he slept in you room after my bachelorette party?"

"How did you-"

At that moment, our AI system, Roberta, went off to tell us someone was in the elevator. Sharing an annoyed look at the interruption, we both stood to get changed before seeing who was ruining girl's night.

Sue had made it down before me as I heard voices coming from the hall. As I got closer, I found one horridly familiar. And if it was who I thought it was, this was not going to be fun at all.

"We're here to see Dr. Richards." I entered the room and tried not to frown as I saw the General. Sometimes always being right was a burden. 

"He's not here. Can I help you?" Standing besides Sue I stared down the man who was going to make us miserable as long as he was in our lives.

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