Chapter Twenty Three

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"Are we prisoners? How did that happen?" We've been in this room for maybe a half hour without any information and I was starting to agree with Johnny. About ten minutes ago, I'd tried the door only to find it locked from the outside with no way for us to leave without breaking out. So he might not have been too far off with his assumption.

"Apparently, they don't want us interfering with their methods."

My eyes shut at the mention of their 'methods'. I don't even want to guess what they could be doing to the man. And apparently I wasn't the only one concerned about his well being, "I can't imagine what they're doing to him."

Sue's words caused Ben to turn to her, "I say he gets what he deserves." While his callousness can come in handy sometimes, this was not one of them. His hard demeanor wasn't good considering all the man had done for us when we were out in the woods.

"How can you say that?" Sue stood from her seat so fast her chair had almost tipped over. Normally she was the one who kept a clear head, but having a near death experience must have shortened her patience.

"I'm just saying maybe the General's right about this. The guy was about to destroy the planet. He said so himself."

"But he protected her from that missile. Why would he do that if he wanted us dead?"

Johnny draped his arm on the couch behind me. Things were still confusing between us, but now that we kind of knew what the other was thinking, we were acting like us again. "Maybe he thinks she's cute."

"I'm pretty sure that no girl is cute enough that someone would take an actual missile to the chest."

"You definitely are. Besides his board absorbed it, so don't be so dramatic."

Sue shot me a look since she didn't know when Storm and I stopped avoiding each other, but quickly got back to business. "There's more going on. He said he wasn't the Destroyer."

"Maybe he lied?" Ben did have a point, but usually Sue wasn't wrong about people. Except Von Doom, but the surfer had already done more for her today than Doom ever did.

"He might be, but what if he isn't? If he's telling the truth and we let them hurt him, could you honestly live with yourself?" As my words hopefully got through my brother's thick skull, I saw him turn to Reed. After a moment they shared a nod and it was only seconds before a plan was formed.

"We need to get inside there and talk to him. But under the radar."


"Is there any way we could get some DVDs or popcorn or something?" When the door was opened, I realized how bad this plan was. Sue was going to sneak out when invisible, but we needed to get the door open and distract the guard.

That's when she mentioned she'd seen him checking me out as we'd been escorted in. Having me 'flirt' or whatever you called the train-wreck that was about to happen was a sure way to risk a mission. I've never been good talking to anyone, let alone attractive men. And now I had a pretty upset Johnny burning holes into my back.

"I'll call it in." I felt Sue walk by me, but I needed to buy her another minute to get clear of the guard.

"Great. Thank you. Semper fi." I'm really hoping Sue is gone and didn't witness me do a little fist pump in the air as I basically yelled out the phrase. She has always considered herself my dating coach much to my dismay.

The man, who had been smiling widely before, frowned at my outburst. "That's the Marine Corps. We're the Army."

"Right, I knew that." Embarrassed, even though I was just the distraction, I quickly shut the door and basically hid from the soldier.

I had been on the couch for maybe all of ten seconds before Johnny started over. Reed and Ben were across the large room and from the look on his face I knew we were about to have another, probably awkward, conversation.

"I really didn't like it when Sue said to flirt with that guy, but then you reminded me how bad you are at it. Definitely feel a lot better now."

A small blush covered my cheeks as I thought of my horrid skills. "I might not be the most charming person in the world, but I do okay. Some people find my lack of social graces adorable."

"I find everything you do adorable. But have you ever noticed that you never are like that around me. Sometimes you're quiet, but you don't really ramble much. Except the night of Sue's bachelorette party when we were talking about...what was it again..dreams!"

At the memory, my blush grew and I couldn't speak in a normal voice when I responded, "Something like that."

His smile let on that he had guessed the nature of dream and being Johnny Storm, he proceeded to tease me with this information. "Would you like to tell me what you were dreaming about?"

"Absolutely not." Well Mr. Storm, two can play this game. In theory at least. "But maybe one day I could show you."

His grin changed form mischievous to joyful as he let out a heartwarming laugh. "See what I was talking about? You rarely get nervous around me."

"That's because you're Johnny! My best friend, my partner in crime. You're my Johnny."

Despite the power-switching, it's not like we ever listened to that rule, he pulled me into his arms. This wasn't the first time he's held me by far, but it was the first where it felt like this. It was the first time his arms felt like...home.

"I like the sound of that. But if I'm yours then you have to be mine. It's only fair after all."

As I was playing with his fingers, I told him something that surprised me, but I knew it was completely true. "I think I always was."

A/N: I have the whole story written so I will edit and post the last three parts throughout the day. Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you enjoy it!

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