Chapter Four

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I felt a pressure on my hand and pain throughout my body. The pain in my head got stronger as I sat up and looked around.

It looked like I was sitting in some sort hospital, the pain was starting to subside as I saw who was holding my hand. "Hey, baby girl."

"Hey Johnny. What's going on?" My throat was dry and my voice came out raspy. He handed me a cup of water and the coolness of the cup felt so good in my hand. In one drink I downed the entire thing. It was like I had been in the desert for years. I handed it back to him to get me more water.

With a laugh, he got me more and started explaining to me what had happened. "Thirsty, huh? After the storm, we were taken back to Victor's medical facility in the Alps. You've been out for about three days, we're all okay. You, Sue, and Ben all woke up today and Reed's been up for a while. You had me pretty scared, Ror."

"Are you hiding from Ben?"

"Yes, it's not like he's gonna kill me in front of you. He values your innocence too much. Not that there's much left, which I sadly wasn't there for."

"Please don't start, I have a bad headache." I got a third glass of water as he stood up next to my bed.

"Well I'll let you sleep. I'll be back later to check on you again, baby girl." He pushed my hair behind my ear and quickly kissed my forehead. "Goodnight."

"Night, stud muffin." With a laugh he left my room and I went to sleep away my headache.


Turns out I was far too uncomfortable to sleep. I felt like I had been out in the sun for a very long time. Way too dry and hot. It was impossible to get comfortable so instead I went to find everyone else.

Ben and Reed were standing on a balcony overlooking the pool area. "Hey. How are you guys doing? Johnny said you were okay, but I still had to see with my own two eyes."

"We're okay, just was worried about you." Of course the big brothers were more concerned about me than themselves.

"How are you two feeling?"

"Solid." "Overheated." Our genetic similarities showed as we looked at each other with the same confused face at the strange answers we gave to Reed's question.

"Uh, it was a close one, though, huh?" That was kind of an understatement. The only thing on my bucket list almost killed me. That's sickly ironic to me.

"What went wrong? The storm wasn't supposed to hit for hours." Reed and I had spent days working on the research for the mission. How we couldn't get this right I had no idea. I was wrong and it almost got the people I love killed. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if anything bad had happened to them.

"I don't know. I really don't know. I've been going over the figures again and again, and they all add up. I just don't understand. Maybe I should've aborted-"

"Reed, it was a freak of nature. You couldn't have possibly predicted it." That's not the complete truth. We could have more, should have done more. "Let it go."

"You know, you live through something like this it really makes you appreciate having the right woman in your life." Now we were talking. This is something I've wanted to do for a very long time. It is my firm belief that Reed and Sue are completely meant to be together. So I guess now that we've all kinda reconnected we can fix this horrible situation.

"Yeah, you and Debbie are perfect."

"I'm not talking about Debbie." Ben nodded his head towards the pool where Sue was. Reed followed his gaze and smiled when he saw her, but it was quickly replaced with a frown when he understood what Ben was saying.

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