Chapter Twenty Four

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When she got back, Sue shared everything the surfer had told her. I'll admit I was having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole Galactus thing, but I chose to focus on getting the board back. That was the key to saving the world, but I doubt the General would just hand it over, and even if he did Doom never would. So as we finalized the plan, I was prepping for a fight that I'm really not in the mood for.

Once again, I knocked on the door, but this time it went a little differently. When the soldier opened the door, I gave him an apologetic look before ducking so Johnny could punch him. Although the first hit knocked the man out, Johnny added an extra before I pulled him along. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it felt kinda good seeing him jealous.

All those good feelings disappeared when we rounded the corner. Petrified in the hallway was General Hager, looking eerily similar to how Doom did after our first fight. Who had to have been the cause of this.

I had to change my hand to be sure Johnny hadn't switched our powers as I felt the heat fill me. Despite our personal issues, Hager didn't deserve to die, especially like this. With a deep breath and a strengthened resolve, I moved after Reed. We were all a little shaken after seeing the General.

Because we weren't paying as close attention as we should, we only had a second when we heard the start of an explosion. I was able to see Sue move out of the way before Johnny grabbed me and pushed me out of the way.

We hit the ground a little hard, but he stayed over me as concert flew past where we had been standing. From underneath him I looked up into his eyes both thankful and slightly angry, "I had it under control."

He moved off of me with a smile and hold out his hand to help me up and switch us back, "I know. I just wanted an excuse to feel you up."

I stood on my own and slapped his arm with a laugh to change us back. "Good to see your still Johnny."

We watched as Ben pushed the giant slab that was holding him to the wall. If he wasn't made of rock, I would have been very concerned he was hurt. Since he is rock, I was only slightly concerned, though I did start to panic when I couldn't find my other brother.

"Where's Reed?" Sue and I spoke at the same time as we all looked for stretchy man.

"Back here." I flinched as Ben peeled the flattened Reed off the wall with a muttered 'my bad'. After we waited for him to reshape, we continued to the surfer.


We'd gotten the surfer out, but Von Doom had the board and it was obvious that Doom was back to trying to kill us. But Reed had still wanted to try and talk him down, showing how similar him and Sue are as I remembered the last time we were in this situation.

It didn't work in case you were wondering. Not that anyone thought it would. Now we were racing to the roof, Reed's newest, and my favorite, invention on its way. We didn't beat the car by much, but as Sue helped the surfer in, we were delayed a minute. Not by the injured alien, but the two morons we call our brothers.

"Of course. Okay, Ben, you get inside. Johnny, you fly behind us." As I climbed in the back part that I would share with my brother, I'm a horrible pilot, I waited for them to grow up.

"You gotta let me fly this."

"I'm the best pilot. I should drive." Of course they wouldn't act mature when the actual fate of the world is in their hands. Typical!

"You're lucky if it can carry you."

"I can fly circles around you."

When it looked like they weren't going to stop, and the rest of us were ready, I spoke up in a sharp tone. "Guys! Now is not the time! So shut up and move it!"

Johnny stuck his tongue out at me before jumping into the air with his normal, "Flame on!"

"Okay. We're now officially enemies of the United States of America. Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power. And we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?"

"I've locked on Victor's energy trail. He's headed over Southeast China. Hang on."


We caught up to Doom, but he looked even more into 'bad guy mode' when he turned to us with a malicious grin. "Victor, the board is drawing the Destroyer here. You have to give it up."

"You know, I've never been the giving type, Reed."

As he started shooting electricity at us, we went flying through the air in a fast and manic way. The car made us a very large target so I wasn't surprised at Reed's next words, "We're gonna have to split up!"

The car split into three sections and as we soared I was able to take a few shots at Doom in the middle of us all. Reed's voice could be heard over sounds of the wind and various powers being shot. "Victor, only the Surfer can stop the Destroyer. But he needs his board."

"Come and get it, Richards. Let's all go for a spin!"

We all went flying as Doom sent out a energy wave. Ben is an excellent pilot and easily got us righted, while Reed took a minute and Sue used a force field to slow herself down before regaining control. Johnny was down at the water's edge when he got his flame back.

After we were all sorted out, we followed Doom's trail all the way to Shanghai. Getting out of the car, we stood together to once again fight Von Doom, this time with a surprising ally. The only one who could truly save our world.

But we weren't the only ones who knew that. When Doom saw the surfer, he used his powers to throw a metal pole straight at the alien, shouting, 'catch' in sadistic humor.

I got ready to shoot it away, but it was moving too fast by the time I'd noticed. So I stood helplessly as our friend was in danger. I stood by as I watched my sister throw herself in front him with a force field in front of her. And I watched as it soared through her shield and went straight through her chest.

A strangled cry escaped me as I moved towards her. Norrin made the pole disappear and she collapsed in Reed's arms. I fell to the ground beside her and grabbed her hand like I was at sea and it was life raft. Which in a way she was.

As Johnny moved towards us slowly, Reed's voice was pained as he held up his hand. "Johnny, don't touch her!"

None of us wanted to say it, but there was no way she could come back from an injury like this. She looked into my eyes, begging me to do what I wanted to yet couldn't bring myself to do. I stood and moved to Johnny.

I could see the tears in his eyes, matching the ones streaming freely down my face. Knowing I couldn't start it, I put my hand on his arm and waited. He looked down at my hand for a minute before giving in and pulling me into him. We held onto each other as we watched Sue lay in Reed's arms, growing weaker, but not so much that we couldn't hear what could be her last words.

"You need to find a way to get the board."

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