Chapter Two

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If I thought packing was hard for normal trips, I was very unprepared to pack for a trip to space. We would be spending a few days revolving around the Earth and I was terrified I was going to forget my toothbrush or something like that. It's not like I could find a Walmart in space. Then again I've never been to space before.

As I was hectically running around the Baxter Building grabbing odds and ends, Ben and Reed were both amused and annoyed with my antics. But with the luck we've had these years we would end up forgetting a piece of equipment or deodorant. Both of which are very important.

On the day of our mission, I got up early to check everything for the fiftieth time. I went into mother mode, as Ben so wonderfully calls it. I made breakfast, put the bags by the door, and woke them up. In my panic, I was moments away from laying out their clothes for them until Ben told me that if I didn't go get ready they would leave me on solid ground. Needless to say, I ran out of the room to get dressed.


"Can't do it. Cannot do it." We were waiting at the site for when we would board the shuttle to take us on our mission. Of course I knew what my brother meant, but sweet Reed was oblivious to why Ben was trying to back out of this trip. He would still go, but having to work under Johnny would make him feel like he was dying. We had spent the last few days with me having to re-talk him into this mission. It was incredibly annoying to say the least.

"External S.R.B.'s, orbital system engines. It's just like the shuttle you flew-" For a genius, he sure wasn't very smart.

"No! I cannot take orders from the underwear model." Is he talking about the whole flight simulator incident? Now that was definitely something I really wouldn't forget anytime soon. I had been best friends with Sue since I met her. I had been the one to introduce her to Reed. Since we were such good friends, I had to spend a bit of time with Johnny over the years. We weren't exactly friends, but we got along. He was also a sort of ally when Reed and Sue had been all coupley. But after the break up, we both had to pick sides, so I didn't really see him again.

"Oh, come on, now."

"That wingnut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator."

"Youthful high spirits." That one earned a snort from me. I liked the guy and all, but he was a slight screwup.

"They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator." My voice was full of laughter at the memory. As horrible as that had been, I still find it hilarious when I think about the problems he caused.

And speaking of problems Johnny causes. He was driving down the road to the shuttle on his motorcycle. Of course that wasn't unusual, but he was making out with a woman driving a red convertible next to him. Same old Johnny, I somewhat know and don't really love. Is it bad I kinda hopes he crashes?

"When have I ever asked you to do something you absolutely said you could not do?" There was that thing in high school. Another a couple years later in college. Three months ago with that scary looking grandma. And I think one other time, but I can't remember.

"Five times." Am I seriously wrong about this. Numbers are kind of my thing and I really don't like to be wrong about this sort of thing.

"I had it at four."

"Well, this makes five." Okay so that means I can count, but I still have to put up with Johnny for awhile. He's like that one friend where everything is based on little pranks, arguments, and an abundance of sexual tension.

But before I face the person with whom I share an incredibly strange relationship, I have to face the one I used to share maybe the deepest.


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