Chapter Fifteen

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"Last night, the FAA was forced to ground all aircraft, leaving thousands stranded when electronic failures and mysterious power outages crippled the western United States. But the big story today, the much-anticipated wedding of fantastic couple Reed Richards and Susan Storm will take place this Saturday." The TV by the gate of the airport was commanding our attention as we waited for news on our plane. And as usual, our personal lives were front and center. But now I was bored enough to actually listen to it.

We've been stuck here so long, I've dropped all pretense of being a lady and have my legs sprawled over the seat next to me as if I owned the place. I was leaning my back against the arm rest and my head against my brother's arm as I played with the end of my braid. But I did offer the seat to the standing Sue and Reed before taking it over.

Plus I think we lost Johnny.

"Unbelievable. Bizarre anomalies are occurring all over the world, defying every law of physics and all the media care about is what china pattern we picked." Reed looked about as distressed as I was over how the world seemed to be prioritizing 'breaking' news.

"What did you pick? The blue ones with them little flowers? I like them."

"Same! They were a lot better than the cream ones with the weird lines. Unless you picked those, in which case I meant good weird. Like its weird, but in an endearing sort of way that makes you love it even more."

"Like you?" Johnny finally reappeared, lifting my legs to sit before putting them back across his lap.

"Exactly! Wait a second." As I realized he insulted me, I stuck my tongue out causing him to pinch my calf. Scrunching up my nose at him, I turned back to the group conversation, ignoring him on purpose.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Sue's fallen face made me want to reach out and comfort her, but I knew it wasn't me she needed. After so many failed trips down the aisle because of our job, no one could blame her for being upset. I was upset and it's not even my wedding!

"Yeah, sure." I pointedly cleared my throat at Reed, making him realize what he just said. "No. We're not postponing anything, not this time. This will be the wedding you dreamed of. I won't let anything get in the way. Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level."

"That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

"Which is really pathetic, when you think about it." That earned Johnny a smack on the arm. Their relationship might be strange and nerdy, but it was basically perfect. Something I wholeheartedly envied.

"Like you know anything about romance!"

"For your information, I am very romantic."

"I'll believe that when I see it."

"Time and place sweet cheeks. I'll make you feel the flaming desire of love." With a flick of his fingers, a flame come out of his thumb. He moved it close to my face before we heard the sounds of his adoring fans noticing his powers.

The girls that were looking over at him gave me an evil idea. I quickly turned the back of my leg to water before moving them off his lap. "Duty calls, Torch."

He looked me surprised, but still stood. "You're encouraging me? That's a first." As he took a step, he felt the wet fabric of his jeans and looked down to see why I was telling him to go.

"You made it look like I peed myself? What are you ten?" Despite its lack of creativity or sophistication, my little joke made the rest of the team crack up laughing. Even Reed, who's more stressed than ever, was enjoying himself until an employee came over.

"Dr. Richards, I'm very sorry, but we're overbooked. We do have seats available in coach." I let out a slight groan as Johnny slumped his shoulders at the 'pain'. I don't mind not being in first class, it's just easier with Ben and the spoiled one. But at least the boarding started.

"What if we get an endorsement from an airline? Get us a private jet?"

"I think we have enough endorsement deals."

"That's funny. Seriously, Reed, it could help subsidize your little inventions."

"No, thanks."

"Consider it. Talk to you later." He started away from the gate and where we would be boarding in a minute.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't fly coach." As Mister High Maintenance left to go fly home, we all looked after him with an unimpressed stare.

"I hope it rains."

"I could help with that." I smiled at my brother before we went to go find our seats.

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