Chapter Three

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The ride to the space station was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my life. This was something I've spent my entire life dreaming about. I remember when I was a little kid, all I wanted was to go to space. To leave this world behind and just explore what was out there in the unknown. Needless to say, I was basically jumping out of my seat on the way.

Reed kept laughing at me excitingly spewing space facts and just generally freaking out. On the occasion that I would basically squeal with excitement, Sue would yell back to me to shut up, luckily she was just joking unlike Von Doom who threatened to leave me in space. Unfortunately for him, I would be perfectly okay with that.

"ETA until cosmic event, nine hours." As much I wanted to stay here forever, this research was basically my baby and I wanted to save lives more than I wanted to live in space.

I was waiting for my brother to thank him for everything he'd done to get me this opportunity. Reed had been apprehensive about me working with him. He had said he wanted better for me, since he wasn't exactly successful. Ben had talked him into it after I had made it clear I wasn't going to do anything else. Because of him I was finally able to do the work I love and do something I've dreamt of for years. A minute later I saw him and a Johnny coming on the station.

"If you're good, maybe next time Daddy'll let you drive."

"You keep talking, and there won't be a next time." Before they could fight anymore, I went over to kiss Ben's cheek as I said a quick thank you.

I was walking to the deck alongside Johnny for the prep for the mission. We didn't say anything, but just walked together. He bumped his shoulder with mine as he raised his eyebrows at me. I bumped him back and gave him big smile. That was one of the best part of our kinda friendship, we didn't really have to say the words. But we still knew that he was asking me about how amazing this was, to be here in space and that I was telling him it was the greatest thing ever.

I pulled him aside really quick to look at the view from a window next to the deck. As the others went to discuss Ben's trip outside. Seeing the Earth from way up here seemed like complete magic. It truly took my breath away.

"Pretty cool, huh?" I looked over at him to see him looking back at me instead of the once in a lifetime view.

"More like completely amazing. And if your next sentence has anything to do with me being the better view compared the spectacular sight in front of us, you will have the privilege of being the first person slapped in space."

He laughed and put his arm around my shoulders. "You know, I'd rather be the first person join the 250 mile high club." His hand crept closer to my chest as he fell back into his familiar routine of hitting on me.

I grabbed his hand and used a quick pressure point to get him to him to raise his other hand in surrender. "Okay, maybe we should start our tryst with our feet back on Earth. Well that really depends what position we pick to try first. I'm thinking-"

I cut him off with a slap to the arm before grabbing it to drag him away. "We have to go help my brother get ready."

"And just like that the mood is killed. You really have gotten good at turning me off. I don't know if that's something you should be proud of though."

"You're so funny! Now come. Don't even say it." He laughed as we went to go meet with Ben at the portal. In all honesty I'd missed laughing with him, the two of us joking around as he made suggestive comments. Johnny Storm is a lot of things, but boring will never be one.

Of course another thing he will never be is someone who gets along with my brother. "Where have you two been? You missed Victor being, well Victor."

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