(Everyone is now online)
Clint- I have an idea!
Tony- party?
Anne- Starbucks run?
Loki- taking over the world and killing all the mortals in sight?
Clint- no, no, and we would have to stop you then Loki. But, we are going on a ROAD TRIP!
Steve- copy cat.
(Clint has kicked Sam and Steve from chat)
Clint- so we can get Sam and Steve together! Like Anne and Loki!
(Sam and Steve are now online)
Sam- what was that for?
Nat- no reason 😉😏
(Bruce has kicked Thor, Sam, and Steve from chat)
Bruce- but how are we going to do that? I'm only a genius in everything but love.
Loki- well I kissed Anne and that's how we got together...
Bruce- grrrrrrrr
Loki- welp!
Anne- Dad!
(Sam, Steve, and Thor are now online)
Steve- why are you kicking us out!?
(Nat has kicked Sam and Steve from chat)
Nat- we can shove there heads together or do the lady and the tramp thing, or we can make Steve do mouth to mouth on Sam or vise-versa
(Sam and Steve are now online)
Sam- don't kick me please.
Steve- or me.
Tony- pack your bags we're leaving in 20. Meet on the ground floor.
---time lapse they left 5 hours ago---
Thor- I need subsidence!
Bruce- I am famished
Everyone expect Sam and Steve- Italian!!!!
Sam- why!
Nat- today is eat Italian food day.
Steve- it is?
Tony- yes and also share a plate of spaghetti with your friend Sam if your name is Steve or in Italian (sorry if this offended anyone) benna noche stevea sharea sama!
Loki- is that moral Italian?
Thor- I wish to learn this It alien
Clint- *facepalm*
Bruce- sorry Thor, it's illegal to learn Italian if you have armor on?
Tony- yes it is.
Anne- let's eat!
-Anne and Loki-
Loki- this is nice
Anne- no parents
Loki- or brothers. Cheers to that.
Anne- you mean drink wine?
Loki- do you not do that on earth?
Anne- oh, we do, but, I've never drunken some before.
Loki- just one small sip.
Anne- ok *takes sip* this is... Really good...
Loki- I'm glad you like it my dear.
Clint- are they kissing yet?
Nat- no their just talking?
Clint- so boring, wait, they got there food!
Nat- and, and, and....
Next chapter, some thing happens!
Also vote if you want me to write a small bonus chapter of Thor, Tony, and Bruce. and comment anything you want. but try for no hate comments, please.

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...