Steve-potato chips
Tony- tortilla chips
Tony- shawarma
Steve- fondue
Steve- the original trilogy
Tony- prequels
Steve- Star Trek
Tony- next generation
Anne- what are they doing
Sam- they went to go see that movie about us, strangely enough you, me, Thor, Loki, or Bruce was in it.
Anne- weird,
Sam- but at this one part bucky said...
Anne- no spoilers pls, me and Loki are seeing it today
Sam- ok, but anyway, they are trying to start a civil war of their own, but they like each other to much.
Tony- OK THATS IT *call in iron man suit*
Pepper- Tony, you better not be starting a civil war!
Tony- sorry pepper!
Steve- we good?
Tony- we good bro.
Steve- so you were on team superman right?
Tony- yeah batman gets on my nerves, I can't stand thoses genius playboy billionaire philanthropist,
Bruce- *stifles laughter*
Thor- man of iron, are you not a genius playboy billionaire philanthropist,
Tony- I don't think so, I'm a trillionaire
Anne- Loki! If we don't leave now we're going to be late
Loki- coming my love
Bruce- have fun, but not too much fun!
Tony- Bruce, let the kid live a little
Steve- what does he mean?
Sam- fondue
Steve- oh,
Steve- ohhhhhh
Thor- where are friends Clint and Natasha?
Sam- they went to see the jungle book,
Thor- oh.
Sam- are we done here.
Tony- I think soComment what you thought of civil war or whatever k bye

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...