Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas( or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa) guys thank you for reading my book
Clint- yeah thanks for putting up with her!
Shut up.
Tony- yeah, she might be hot or something!
Umm not really.
Tony- hmm, pity.
Steve- Merry Christmas to the readers!
Sam- a little to late honey.
Steve- :-(
Ummmmm ok then.
Bruce- Anne for your Christmas present, you and Loki can share a floor.
Anne- Really!?
Floor can be interpreted in many ways ;-) just saying.
Loki- the writer is devious... That's good.
Of course I have to be
Nat- well, she's staying our writer!
Were you planning to kill me?
Thor- if you didn't supply more poptarts soon then yes
*Summons in poptarts*
Thor- thank you lady... What is your name.
I am... Iron Man.
Tony- That's my line
Why would I put it in otherwise?
Bruce- but what is your real name?
Turtle Ford.
Steve- turtle?
Anne- that's a cool name.
Thor- is this a "celebrity" baby name?
Loki- turtles are fun to squish.
Sam- ya know she could delete our lifes!
Loki- I do what I want!!
*Holds finger over keyboard*
Thor- please forgive my brother, he knows not what he says.
Meh, he'll just get hurt, not killed.
Hey Clint, proof read this.
Clint- 'the elephants burst into the closet, that Loki called his room, they tramples him. His legs would never walk the same again'
is that a good punishment?
Bruce- Yes!!
Anne- Dad!
Bruce- what? He didn't die!
Anne-  yeah but... It's the principle of the thing.
Ok were getting off topic!
Marry Christmas everyone!
Everyone- and a happy new year!

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