Sam- Nat, can I sit with you?
Nat- I'm sitting with Clint...
Clint- why don't you sit with Steve?
Sam- grrrrrrrr.
Clint- what?
Sam- never mind, you guys spoon or whatever.
Bruce- ANNE! I can see you and Loki you know!
Loki- fine love, let's go to the back rows.
Anne- but I like the front, frosty.
Bruce- no not really, but I won't smash you yet.
Steve- Bruce, please let me sit here.
Bruce- sry Steve, I was about to do some science with Tony,
Steve- isn't Tony driving?!
Tony- no, JARVIS is
JARVIS- glad to be of assistance.
Tony- just sit with Sam!
Steve- no.
Thor- I wish to have the whole seat to myself and my poptarts! 😃
Steve- great.
Sam- why isn't there extra seats?!
JARVIS- please sit down Ms. Johnson, or we might get pulled over.
Sam- Just for you JARVIS!
Steve- *shifts so Sam can sit with him*
Sam- *sits on edge of seat*
Steve- hello ma'me
Sam- hello Sir
Nat- OMG! Just make up and make out!
Clint- yes! Please! This is killing me!
Loki- even Anne and I haven't gone though an awkward stage!
Anne- you guys are just, soooo slow!
Tony- guys, stop yelling at them.
Tony- JUST KISS ALREADY!!! Or I will murder you both.
Bruce- how is that helpin... They fell asleep?
Tony- who?
Clint- Sam and Steve...
Nat- Their cuddling in their sleep?
Anne- *takes picture*
Loki- send that to me then.
Thor- poptarts are yummy!
Tony- how did they fall asleep so fast?
Bruce- Sam falls asleep to the sound of people screaming, I can hear it though the walls.
Clint- and I can hear Steve fall asleep to the sound of Sam sleeping, ever since she got here!
Nat- didn't he used to fall asleep to distant shelling?
Anne- I could hear that 6 floors apart!
Thor- is this as you midguardians call it, forking?
Everyone- *dies of laughter*
(Everyone has gone offline)
I has wifi!
Forking 😜

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...