Anne- what! Why? Loki!
Loki- you see Anne, because Thor is the oldest, he must be married first. Btw I love your new hair color.
Anne- thanks babe. But why!
Loki- IDK, it's just this way.
Nat- wait I took a coarse in law, if I can read the law of asguard I can find a loophole!
Thor- Lady Rommonoff, the law is only passed down by word, nothing is written down.
Sam- it's an earth wedding right? And since asguardian law only applies to asguardians....
Steve- Loki and Anne can still get married!
Tony- cus you lied to your fake son! Your a horrible father, I should know I had one!
Odin- yes but I made him a citizen of asguard!
Bruce- what's all this noise, I was sleeping, because someone forced me to watch all Disney movies last night.
Tony- you didn't protest much!
Odin- are you the Bruce of the Banners?
Bruce- yes....
Odin- well I'm sorry, the wedding between our (fake) spawn must be canceled.
Anne- fake spawn?
Loki- just say adopted child like a normal person!
Bruce- your canceling the marriage of my daughter?
Odin- yes
Tony- O-O
Sam- O-O
Steve- O-O
The whole world- O-O
Bruce- *Hulks out*
Odin- ahhhhhhhh, put me down!
Hulk- hulk smash!
Odin- fine the wedding can continue!
Hulking- good old guy.
Tony- hey Sam whatcha doing?
Sam- making a meme.
Steve- what's a meme?
Sam- *pulls out huge folder* have a year?
Anne- thank you mr. Odin sir!
Odin- yeah yeah, get me to one of your mortal hospital!
Thor- I've got it father
(Thor and Odin left)
Tony- who's phone is going off? It's sounds like breaking bones?
Nat- that's me I'll take it.
Clint- ok, everything is back to normal, no more cliff hangers everything is all good!
(Ultron joined the chat)
Ultron- prepare the die!
Vision- father!
Nat- Clint. In pregnant!Lol I'm evil

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...