Nat- happy birthday Sam!
Tony- happy birthday kiddo
Bruce- have a nice day of birth.
Loki- I won't hate you today.
Anne- Loki! Happy birthday Bff
Clint- happy birthday and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Steve- happy birthday.
Sam- thanks guys you remembered!
Nat- how could we forget!
Tony- blah blah mushy gooey stuff on to the party! VODKA!!!!
Sam- umm what?
Tony- truth or dare drinking game!!!!!!! You take a shot each time you ask someone truth or dare!
Clint- yaaaaasss
Bruise is everything about drinking with you?
Thor- I thought you were a smart man banner, even I figured this out
Loki- Thor have you heard of sarcasm.
Thor- ohhhhhhh
Steve- I can't get drunk...
Tony- oh well we play any way.
Sam- birthday girl goes first! Clinton Francis! Truth or dare!
Clint- Dare Samantha Rose!
Sam- grrrr, 7 minutes in heaven, with Nat, starting now.
Clint- ok.
--7 minutes later--
Clint- Tony, truth or dare!
Tony- Dare Katniss!
Clint- eat all of Thor's poptarts!
Tony- fine I had a death wish anyway!
Tony- truth or dare Tasha
Nat- truth if you never call me that again.
Tony- who was your first kiss.
Nat- uhhhh a guy named rhody.
Tony- really?
Clint- what?!
Nat- high school sweetheart. Bruce! Truth or dare!
Bruce- truth.
Nat- ummmmm, how long did you have Anne before telling us?
Bruce- 13 years.
Everyone- what!?
Bruce- I adopted her before I became the other guy. Any way, Steve truth or dare!
Steve- um truth?
Bruce- ok, who would you rather marry, Tony or Clint?
Steve- Clint.
Tony- don't you love me capsickle?
Steve- truth or dare Loki?
Loki- dare!
Steve- do your best Odin impression.
Loki- fine *in deep voice* I am Odin! I am a terrible father and have one eye! Loki is my least favorite son ever! I ride his son as a pet
(Odin is now online)
Odin- I do not sound like that, you are disowned!
Loki- I already was!
Odin- lol I forgot!
(Odin has gone offline)
--like 50 rounds later--
Tony- I tHinK I'm dRuNk.
Sam- lOl mE to..
Nat- wE aLl arE.
Clint- I aM kaTniSs!
Loki- lol lEts tAkeoVer tHe woRld.
Bruce- I don't know any of you.
Thor- pOptaRTs are yuMMy!
Anne- loKi, I loVe yoU!
Steve- what should we do
Bruce- leave them, I'm going to bed, see you in the morning.
Sam- caRry mE tO bEd sTevE!
Steve- Sam your drunk...
Sam- CaRRy mE TO BEd STeVe!
Steve- ok.
-- in sam's room--
Steve- goodnight Sam.
Sam- Steve, can you stay with me the monster will come otherwise
Steve- there is no such thing as monsters.
Sam- pls Steve?
Steve- ok...
Sam- now the monster won't get me!
Steve- ok.
Sam- *sleep breaths*
Steve- I know you can't hear me Sam, but I like you, a lot, I wish I could tell you to your face, but I'm scared. *sigh* well I guess she won't mind if I give her one last birthday gift *kisses Sam's hair*
Sam- wow
Steve- you could hear that?
Sam- yes and there's somethings I have to do.
Steve- what?
Sam- this
--3rd person point of view--
San looked at Steve her eyes cleared of all signs of drunkness. She sighed slightly and did what her heart told her to do. She kissed him. On purpose. Steve was shocked at first but then was drawn into the sweet, passionate kiss. They broke away, a bit of salvia bridging the gap where their lips once meet. They looked at each other, and the kiss started up again, rougher but still with the passion and lovingness of the first. Outside the door, Clint and Nat stood watching.
"I told you so." Nat said quietly closing the door. Clint nodded,
"Did you get the video?" He asked whispering in her ear. It was Nat's turn to nod.

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...