Sam- I hate car rides!
Loki- well your stuck in on for 5 hours, suck it up.
Anne- be nice to my bestie.
Nat- hey, she's my bestie!
Anne- no mine!
Nat- mine.
Sam- your both my Besties!
Clint- I feel. so. Cramped
Sam- you don't even know the pain.
Tony- I want a drink.
Steve- don't drink and drive!
Bruce- eat a blueberry or something
Tony- i thought we were done making fun of me!
Nat- never gonna happen,
Thor- it is most enjoyable to mock you.
Anne: can we get a pet?
Clint- like what?
Nat- a cat?
Sam- 4 turtles that we inject with a serum?
Steve- a dog?
Thor- a bilgesnipe? (Is that how you spell it?
Loki- an 8-legged horse?
Tony- isn't that your son?
Loki- so, he would make a good pet!
Tony- I really want that drink now.
Bruce- Anne what type of pet do you want?
Anne- a Bunny!
Loki- but what about my son?
Thor- father is taking good care of him brother,
Loki- I'm not your brother!
Sam- why a bunny? It's so boring!
Anne- we can make it buniclua (a bunny vampire, rights to the creator of it)
Sam- I'm in!
Nat- assassin bunny... I'm in.
Steve- I had a bunny before the war named mr. Fluffy. I miss him
Clint- i don't really like animals, but I do like bunnies!
Tony- why don't you like animals?
Clint- they remind me of circus *shutter*
Bruce- we'll deal with your fear of circuses later, Anne will you take care of a bunny
Anne- yes! I will treat it like my own son!
Loki- you could have chosen your step son.
Anne- I won't cuddle with you if you keep complaining!
Loki- what horse.
Anne- good boy!
Thor- can I keep the blidgesnipe in my room?
Tony- what?!?!?!?!?!?!!!A real update finally!

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...