Important authors note at the end of the chapter! Ok you can read now
Clint -ugh, what last night.
Tony- did I do drunk science again?
Nat- Заткнись погружением дерьмо (I'll let you guys look that up)
Thor- my head is pounding and I do not remember what happened after Loki took his pants off...
Anne- I don't think I'm allowed to drink that much alcohol.
Loki- where are my pants? And why am I wearing hello kitty underwear?
Tony- wait Sam and Steve are missing.
(Bruce is now online)
Bruce- good morning!
Tony- not so loud.......
Thor- do you know where the steamship is?
Bruce- what did you guys do after I left last night •_O. Oh you mean Sam and Steve,
Clint- yea, where are they?
Bruce- when I left I heard Sam say something about Steve carrying her to bed.
Loki- wait, I didn't see Steve in the gym this morning...
Nat- you go to the gym?
Loki- no, my room is the broom closet on that floor
Anne- awwww my poor baby, you can come sleep with me?
Bruce- ah, No!
Tony- back to the point! Where are Sam and Steve?
(Sam and Steve have come online, holding hands)
Sam- hi guys.
Steve- good morning.
Sam- we're dating now.
Everyone- WHAT?!?!?!?!
Steve- yea, is that a problem.
Thor- YES!!!!!!
Sam and Steve- why?
Nat- you guys should have started dating when you first met!
Clint- or when you guys did the talent show together!
Anne- or when you guys fell asleep on our mini road trip!
Loki- or when you kissed at the restaurant!
Tony- or on the grocery trip!
Bruce- or when you guys disappeared while we were doing laundry!
Steve- ok we get your point!
(An awkward minute has passed)
Tony- did you guys do it last night?
Steve- it?
Sam- ANTHONY EDWARD STARK! I would never!
Steve- it?
Sam- I mean yes I was drunk but that doesn't mean!
Steve- It?
Sam- also Steve is from the 40s do you how much it would take to even ask him to consider it?
Steve- WHAT IS IT?!
Nat- sex.
Steve- *passed out from the thought of having sex*
Tony- sooooo I'm guessing that's a no then.
Sam- you are soooo dead!
(Sam and Tony have gone offline)
Clint- well when are we getting them to have sex?
Loki- Steve's birthday latest.
How are you?
Well, we're going to have a little vote. The first item to get 5 votes gets put into a chapter when the votes are in! And mentions to the people who voted! The vote is for... Something to be put in the book/character
Ok your options are
•Guardians of the Galaxy
•making cookies
Ok that's it bye!

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...