Loki- calm down darling and speak slowly, and calmly.
Anne- fine... Do you guys want to watch a British sitcom?
Steve- sitcom?
Sam- tv show where the dub in laughter or boos or whatever sound real people make.
Tony- are we watching Sherlock?!
Thor- I do not believe that is a sitcom...
Bruce- well Anne, what is it?
Anne- Are You Being Served?
Clint- no, you were going to tell us the name of the show,
Nat- Clint, honey, I think that is the name of the show.
Anne- you are correct!!!
Bruce- isn't that the show I let you watch when you were sick, and you asked me what novelty candles were?
Anne- yes, and 10 years later I still don't know what novelty candles are.
Tony- JARVIS!!!! What are novelty candles?
J.A.R.V.I.S- sir they are *shuts off*
Steve- what's wrong with Jarvis?
Tony- Nooooooo, he has a virus!!!!
Anne- can we watch my show?
Loki- well the show doesn't sound too bad?
Thor- when was the show made?
Anne- the show ran from 1972-1983!
Sam- wait.... Is this the show with...
Anne- yesssss!
Sam- yeah girl, I grew up on this show!
Anne- yeah, wanna go and watch it, while we drag along Steve and Loki?
Sam- of course, I'll grab the snacks and you start up season one episode 4!
Anne- the camping trip one?
Nat- why are they nerding out?
Bruce- their them.
Clint- makes total sense...
Tony- JARVIS speak to me man!!
Thor- do not worry man of iron, come watch the people who are being served with my brother and captain Rogers lady banner and lady....
Clint- why did you stop?
Sam- I never told you guys my last name?
Steve- not that I remember?
Nat- isn't it Quill?
Sam- yep, I guess I told the girls but not the guys. Lol!!
(Guardians of the Galaxy have joined the Chatroom)
Star lord- give me back my sister!!
Steve- what!
Clint- what?
Tony- huh?
Thor- who's this?
Bruce- Sam, you have a brother?
Nat- CALLED IT!!!! Loki pay up!
Loki- *hands over $50*
Anne- can we watch AYBS now?
Star lord- I don't know what you guys are talking about but *brings out gun and points it at steve* give me back my sister!!Well, since none of you guys responded to my choose what happens next thing, (except SarahBarisas, you ma'am are bae) I chose for you! But SarahBarisas Bucky will be next, til next week, Bye

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...