(Tony and Bruce are online)
Tony- add a drop of neomycin.
Bruce- you think this will cure cancer?
Tony- do you doubt a genius?
Bruce- you have an IQ of 238 I have an IQ of 271, I'm more of a genius than you.
Tony- ohhhh add some of the sparkly stuff!
Bruce- you are a child
(The experiment has exploded)
(The rest of the avengers are online)
Clint- what. Was. That?
Thor- why am I small?
Avengers- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Nat- Bruce, why am I 14 again?
Clint- man I hated 9th grade
Bruce- well Tony said to add some 'sparkly stuff' and while I poured it in I called him a child...
Anne- I. Hate. Everything!
Sam- hormones much?
Anne- stay out of it.
Sam- *cries*
Tony- I miss my goatee! And the fact that I'm 15! I want something sugary and full of caffeine! Ohh monster!
Loki- I am king!
Thor- no your not!
Loki- yes I am!
Clint- I have to take algebra and 20th century cultures ugh! I hate ninth grade
Nat- I'm not me! I'm a ruler! I want my curves back!
Bruce- Steve, are you ok?
Steve- I'm pre-serum, I'm scrawny.
Sam- *moves to cry on Steve's shoulder*
Steve- 😳😣
Tony- not to bad for a muscleless chicken?
Bruce- Well I think I can fix this. Tony, hand me everything you handed me before.
Tony- sparkles!
Bruce- ok Steve, can you come here?
Steve- 😳😣
Bruce- fine I'll do it myself *adds all da stuff* Tony your such an adult
Tony- my goatee!
Clint- no high school!
Anne- no random emotions!
Steve- I'm not scrawny!
Thor- everything is back to the ordinary😄!
Loki- I am king!
Thor- no your not!
Nat- some things never change
Hello peeps!
Actually I'm allergic to marshmallows peeps... Let me try that again
Hello friends!
How was that? Pls tell me how it was in the comments!

FanfictionWarning- Tony has opened a Chatroom in which the avengers can, well, chat. What feeling will be uncovered, and what romances will bloom? Do you want to read it? Go ahead I dare you... I DO NOT OWN THE AVENGERS only this twisted world they live in T...