Chapter 2. The mission to planet earth.

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No one's point of view.
In a battle pod of the Saiyan race in that little Saiyan battle pod. There is a little Saiyan girl inside it. She is using the cryo sleep system. It keeps her from aging and she is the princess of all saiyans. Her mission is to stay safe. She crashes in the USA. In the woods of Louisiana as she was crashing two werewolves was hunting in the woods. They seen a around object crash in the woods. They decided to go check it out. They got to the place all they found was a giant hole. The first one was a teenage boy and the other one was a almost teenage girl. The teenage boys name is Micko. The almost teenage girls name is Micka. As they was looking around Micko decided to ask he's baby sister.

Micko. Are you shure it crashed here Micka?

Micka. Yes I am shure it did  I saw saw it come down right here Micko.

Micko. Lesion to big brother Micka.

Micka. By two seconds.

After that they didn't find anything so they went back home. After they got back home they got something to eat. Then they got ready for bed and went to bed and went to sleep. Little did they know in side the big giant hole. Was a little Saiyan girl who was sleeping in that around thing.

There you go every one I you will injoy this book.

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