Chapter 1. The birth of a Saiyan princess.

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Hey people this takes place in a time where the planet Vegeta. Hasn't went kaboom. So here we go with it.

The one on the bottom of the picture.

No one's point of view.

On a planet far away from planet earth the planet is called Vegeta. On a mountain top on the harsh planet. There is a castle and in that castle. There is a king and queen and a prince. They was all getting ready for a new member to be born. The queen gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Vegetra and they gave her a good trainer. But her power level was low. So the king talked to he's wife and they decided to send her off the planet. The king talked to Bardock about sending there kids off the planet. And they sent to planet earth. After the king sent off he's daughter. Bardock sent he's youngest son off to the same planet. After that the king and Bardock planed a attack on the Coold impair. After that they lunched there attack plane. They was successful with it they took down all the men of the Coold force and the two prince's. And then they took down king Coold. After taking the planet. King Vegeta asked Bardock if he would like to be a king. And Bardock took him up on that. King Vegeta made it official by telling Avery saiyan.  That the new planet was Bartock's and he's family was now royalty. And that he considered him as he's brother. After that Bardock got he's wife and oldest son. And moved to the new planet. After they got there they renamed it planet Vegeta 002. After that they got ready for bed. And went to bed and went to sleep.

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