Chapter 3. Meeting the werewolves.

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Vegetra's point of view.
It's been a few days since I crashed on this planet called earth. In my battle pod opened up. And I woke up and got out of the space battle pod.

After I got out of my space battle pod I decided to look around

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After I got out of my space battle pod I decided to look around. This planet called earth. As I was walking around I came upon a house. I walked up on a porch and knocked on the door. And a big teenage boy opened the door. He looked at me and then he asked me.

The teenage boy. Who are you and what do you want?

Vegetra. I am princess Vegetra of the Saiyan race.

The teenage boy. OK but that doesn't answer my question.

Vegetra. I came to this planet to see if it's inhabitants deserves to stay alive. That's why I am here you big meanie.

The teenage boy.  Hahaha that's a good one. I have been called a lot of things in my day. But big meanie is a new one. Will I need to get my dad and mom. And see if they can see you. And I am not a big meanie at all. O and by the way my name is Micko.

Jut as that going on a almost teenage girl came up. I asked the now Micko who she was. And he said that she was he's baby sister Micka. After that Micko left on the porch. After a little bit of waiting Micko came back with a man that looked like him. But he was nice so I decided to be nice back to him. And let him talk to me first.

Finne. Will hello there little girl my aren't you pretty. My I ask you why are you here?

Vegetra. Will sir I have been sent by dad King Vegeta. To see if the life forms on this planet deserve to around. I am princess Vegetra of the Saiyan race.

Finne. I see so what do we need to do be able to stay alive Vegetra?

Vegetra. Will for starters I am new to this planet. And I need a place to stay and train. So I can get stronger and if I am took good care of. I will not do the other thing.

After that I was let into the house I got familiar feeling. It was something I couldn't put my finger on. Then I decided to small the air. I smelt the sent of a old saiyan female. But I decided to leave it be the old man took me and gave me something to eat. He I guess was prepared for a saiyans appetite. Then I got to get a bath. Then I got to get a room so I could get some sleep. So I could train my bast.

There you go and as for the picture make the kid Vegeta a girl. See you soon.

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