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No one's PoV:

Blitz noticed Y/N didn't come into work on time that next day.

it wasn't unusual because she normally came in later but it still made him confused slightly that he didn't get a call or text to warn him something was going on or that she might be coming in.

he tried to push those thoughts away and sent Millie and Moxxie on a new mission to go kill off some guy.

no matter how much he tried to forget by playing with his toy horses or taking calls from clients, he mind still wavered back to Y/N and he started to get worried.

Although he didn't show it much, Blitzo cared about his colleagues and if one of them just disappeared without warning then it's going to worry him.

Blitz sighed and stood up, writing a little note for M&M, grabbing his car keys and walking out of the office and down to his van.

Blitz's POV:

i drove around the streets for hours but no signs of Y/N.

Where in the world has this girl gone!?

i sighed and shook my head, getting my mind back onto task and driving to her apartment building.

*in the apartment building*

i walked up to her apartment and opened her door easily.

it wasn't locked. how stupid is Y/N?

i sighed and closed the door, looking around for any signs that Y/N could be there.

i looked in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom but she wasn't anywhere.

i started to look around for her phone but that wasn't there either. probably meant she had it on her.

i grabbed my phone and gave her call, sitting down on her sofa and waiting patiently.

No one's POV:

*in Striker's mine shaft*

Y/N had no way of contacting anyone since Striker had taken away her phone and anything else she brought.

she sighed and curled up into a ball, excepting her fait until something caught her attention.

California Girls by Katy Perry was playing from where her phone was placed on a table. that was her ring tone.

although Y/N was feeling slightly embarrassed in this moment she was more interested in who was trying to call her.

Y/N stretched her hand out and tried to grab the phone but Striker's tail soon whipped up and smacked her hand, making her wince and pull back.

Striker growled and glared at Y/N, picking up the phone and smirking as his answered it.

"hello, Blitzy~"

Y/N's eyes widened and she tried to shout out, pushing the cage forward and reaching her hand towards Striker.

"Striker! please! let me sp-"

Striker's tail whipped up and slapped her hard across the face, leaving a mark and making her fall onto the floor off the cage.

"Hush it, slut."

Y/N whimpered in pain and curled up, looking up at Striker with a hateful glare.

she wanted to say so many things to hurt him but she knew it wasn't enough. she just has to glare at him and hope he would spare her any more pain.

*back at Y/N's apartment*

Blitz's eyes widened when he heard the way Striker spoke to Y/N, treating her as if she was an unwanted pet.


Striker's deep chuckle was heard on the other side of the phone, his tongue licking his lips gently.

"calm down, Blitz. you know me, i'll take such good care of your little pet. she's in safe hands."

Blitz was livid. he couldn't even control his angry to the fact he nearly smashed his phone from how hard he was gripping it.


Striker continued to stay nice and calm, chuckling and smirking from behind the phone.

"i don't think i want to tell you just yet, Blizy. i'm sure you'll find us but maybe a little treasure hunt would be good for you"

Blitz stared down at the phone, shaking with anger.

"when i find you.."

Striker just laughed, unfazed by Blitz's threats.

"Tik Tok, Blitzo. only a matter for time before your little partner gets hurt. Good luck~"

Striker hung up the phone and left Blitz feeling angry about using his old name.

Blitz looked down at the phone and clenched his fists. he needed to find Y/N but would it be too late? would he be fast enough?

all this thinking was making him stressed and he needed a minute to calm down, sighing and sitting down.

what is he going to do!?

Y/N was in shit.

deep shit.

(780 words)

𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻~(striker x y/n fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now