Chapter 20

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"Amazing news comrade." I can't tell if Lucian is being sarcastic but he certainly sounds careful. "You must share the success rate of such an ambitious experiment." 

"A near ninety five percent...comrade," Lazarus smiles sweetly but his voice is knife edged. It seems like that question struck a nerve.

Ninety five percent. Those statistics are close to impossible. We've been experimenting with genetic manipulation for years but have never achieved anything close to a twenty percent success rate. Most of our specimens end up dying after a few months. 

Which is why I plan to shut down that entire division once I take over the Sympathizers. I glance over at General Lyra, who is eyeing General Grievous curiously. She currently has an iron hold on the organisation but nothing lasts forever. 

Someone would have to take the reins eventually, just like she did when her predecessor stepped down. And I plan to be the Plutonian who does so.

It is the same with the Trinity. Up until now, the three of us had a fair shot at first in command but if Lazarus's experiments with my father turn out to be successful, there is no doubt that he will resume the position. 

It stings when I think about my own father working behind my back to make someone else more powerful. He feels more like the enemy than family. 

"And when would we be granted the privilege of visiting this promising facility? I would love to see your specimens in person." General Lyra speaks over the crowd and everyone hushes, curious to know more. 

"By the end of this week. We want to make sure that everything is ready for your visit. And we would be honoured to extend an invitation to any commander or General interested. We would certainly need your support if we were to take this to a larger scale." Lazarus answers even though the question was directed at General Grievous. 

I wonder when and how the two became so close. Certainly hadn't been on my watch. 

I glance at my father who is staring proudly at Lazarus, like he's the son he never had. It causes my stomach to clench, an unfamiliar jealousy rising up to heat my skin. In all my years, neither father nor mother has ever looked at me like that.

"Well we would certainly like to see it in real time. The whole thing sounds rather absurd." Lazarus's father, General Aldric says. "Grievous, are you certain of this? You're risking your reputation on my unpredictable spawn?"

The fact that he uses the word 'spawn' is an insult in itself. I can feel Lazarus tensing up next to me, his barely controlled rage causing his fists to shake. I put my palm on his thigh in an attempt to calm him but he's too focused on his father. 

"It would be an honour to have you at our first visitation," General Grievous says. "PG Lazarus has shown such promise, such dedication. I am sure he will do perfect as first in command."

This time it feels like I've been slapped. My very own father announcing to the entire council that he is backing Lazarus. There are a few eyes that turn my way but I remain impassive, my hand slipping from Lazarus to grip my seat. 

"I will be there. I look forward to witnessing such revolutionary developments." I say and Lazarus beams at me. 

The discomfort is there again. I can't understand it but I feel it every time I look at him. I love him so much. It's a consuming sort of feeling that makes me feel like I'm drowning but I doubt anyone could ever feel the same way. 

It honestly scares me. There's the fear that he will somehow slip through my fingers, like I'm about to lose him at any moment. Only I don't know how or why.

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