Chapter 25

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My body's buzzing with anticipation as I walk past the onyx coloured lobby doors, pink lights glittering on the walls around me, criss-crossing and clashing with each other on every surface like tiny serpents. 

There are many Plutonians lounging by the lobby. Most of them catching a drink or meal after a long day's work. A few eyes flit my way but mostly they are too busy catching up with their counter parts, everyone preoccupied with their conversations. 

I stop by the lifts and press my finger to th sensors by the doors. A mechanic voice chimes, telling me that all exclusive access has been granted and the lift doors swing open within a second. I walk inside and tap my foot on the floor, the heel of my shoe clanking hard against the pristine mosaic tiles. 

I don't know why I'm so nervous. I've barely eaten but it feels like I want to throw up. No one else has this effect on me. Not Lucian, not the dozens of commanders constantly trying to court me and certainly not any other plutonian or alien I've ever come across. 

I always feel like I have this power over others. Like I can bend them to my will with my charm or distract them till I get what I want. It's always worked for me but Lazarus is a different species altogether. 

Aside from his obvious trust issues, the male can make love to me till I forget to breathe and yet keep me in the dark about every other thing in his life. Even though he made my dreams come true by proposing to me, I can't imagine living a life like that.

I can't imagine being someone whom he keeps by his side for the sole purpose of strengthening his power and warming his bed. I've seen the darkest parts of him, seen what he has been capable of. The assassinations and the murders over the years, the blatant abuse of power over human slaves. 

The paramour he choked to death last year by accident. He managed to cover it up, throwing a pathetic excuse regarding human frailty over the entire thing and no one was the wiser. Except the Plutonian who had been watching him.

Although, he doesn't know that I'm aware of most of his secrets. He doesn't know just how much I've seen. I wonder what he would think of me if he did?

I exit the lift when we reach the highest floor. This place is a favourite between the three of us Trinity. We've come here together many times before, mostly because I enjoy the food and the privacy so much. 

The attendant recognises me immediately and takes me to the private balcony usually reserved for us. My heart sinks when I see the two empty chairs flanking both sides of the oblong marble table. 

Why did I entertain the idea that he would be here before me? I should stop having these kinds of expectations because they always let me down. He seems to always let me down. 

But then why can't I let go? The more he antagonises me, the more I want him. I shake my head before taking a seat, wondering why he drives me so crazy. The waiter holds out a tablet with the menu and I tell him to wait. 

My appetite is abysmal, it's especially hard to think of food when my stress seems to increase by the minute. I wait for a while longer and feel like I'm about to combust from apprehension any second. 

Lazarus saunters in just as I take in the view of the North City light show. He's in a flimsy white shirt, the buttons haphazardly done up that he paired with dark blue pants. The wind catches and his shirt lifts giving me a view of his very defined abdomen. I swallow hard, he barely wears white but when he does it's enough to make my pulse race. 

Why does he have to look so beautiful? So regal? delicious. He looks so calm, so unbothered when he walks over to me and sits down. 

"You're late," I tell him snappily, annoyed by the fact that I am so frazzled in comparison to him. 

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