Chapter 16

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A drop of sweat rolls down the side of my neck as I press myself against the wall of the kitchen sink cabinet. My heart has started to hammer but I dare not open the door to check on who has walked in.

I'm banking thoroughly on luck here, hoping General Grievous isn't as paranoid as Lazarus is. I remember Lazarus telling me that his entire estate had motion sensors all over his floors, to track everyone inside. He mentioned it in passing when I moved in but a part of me has always felt like it was a warning.

It's extremely expensive to have them plastered all over, only a select few Plutonians are even able to afford them. But we're talking about a general here so now I feel like hitting myself for not covering my tracks enough. I should have worn his shoes.

All my father needs to do is analyse a footprint and now I have to think of some reason for being in his quarters, which isn't something I do on the regular.

There's some shuffling on the other side, I press my cheek against the door, straining to hear for more. Someone's humming to themselves and then I hear the sound of dishes being rinsed and processed.

I slump against the wall, releasing a soft exhale. It's one of the helpers and she doesn't look like she suspects anything at all. There's nothing else to do but wait as she finishes with her work but the attendant takes her time, going through the dishes and then sorting out the cushions on the chaise lounge in the living room.

She's further away now, the sound of the humming much softer but it would be too risky to slip out, especially since I need to get past the living room in order to leave.

I hear the door slide open again and adjust my legs to get more comfortable. The woman is still singing to herself but then she lets out a high pitched giggle. Conversation ensues and I wonder who she is having such a flirty conversation with.

I dare sneak a peak through the slit in the door and my stomach clenches when I see my father. The general is smiling and talking to his attendant with an ease I've never seen before. My eyebrows bunch together as I frown, shouldn't he be on a scheduled visit?

Wasn't he supposed to be back tomorrow? After one atmospheric cycle?

Without warning he grabs her and they're embracing each other like two long lost lovers who haven't seen one another in years. Nausea rides up my throat, the urge to vomit growing with each passing second. I press against the wall, shutting my eyes as I try to drown out the sounds they are making.

My mother's out there beautifying herself in order to impress Grievous and here he is, screwing the attendant. It's all so cliche, if I wasn't so disgusted I would have laughed. I quickly lean back when the flighty attendant drags him past the living room and into the kitchen.

The two of them are standing right in front of me now, their chatter ringing in my ears. He's telling her about his trip with an enthusiasm that never existed for us, his so called family. I've always known Grievous married Ursae for status and vice versa.

It shouldn't be a surprise to find him here like this, in fact I've heard rumours about him many times. But still, watching this feels like the greatest insult even though I'm technically trespassing.

My anger grows tenfold as they continue their banter but I hold my breath, praying that they don't notice me inside, praying that they would leave the area so I can escape. I can only hope that they don't proceed further here in the kitchen, with me listening in.

If only memory erasing devices exist.

Finally, after what feels like a few interminable seconds, the female attendant leads Grievous to his bedroom chamber. I wait in silence, not wanting to act too rashly. After a few minutes of complete silence, I finally push open the cabinet door and sneak out of the room.

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