Chapter 8

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The ceiling above us is alive. Constellations and asterisms dance against the inky black sky that makes up the dome of the Grand Majestic Hall in the city.

I am in awe with the way my squads and supporters did up the place. Stars litter the walls, all bright silver, mimicking the colour of our hair and jewellery.

When I step into the hall with Lucian by my side, everyone calls out to me in cheer. There are so many gathered here today for the celebration, I barely recognise half of them. Yet my name is a constant prayer on their lips, they're gazes adoring like they've known me their entire lives.

Lucian's presence is a familiar comfort. He stays by my side when I'm called up the stage to make a toast.

I've always hated making speeches. I've never been as enigmatic as Lazarus or as passionate as Lucian when it came to winning people over with words.

And tonight it feels like the entire nation will be listening in. My shoes click on the shiny floors as I step up to the stage, Lucian close behind, hidden behind the shadowed curtains should I need him.

My gaze flits from the front of the massive ballroom to the back doors. There are no empty spaces, the place is filled to the brim with Plutonians. There are some humans stationed by the walls, some of them holding trays with drinks and various confectionary.

Monitors have been set all over the walls, their green lights signalling that the broadcast has been turned on. Plutonians stationed all over the universe will be able to tune in to my birthday celebrations.

The sound on stage is amplified, I don't need a mike to get my words across but there is a hesitance in my step. A small lump has lodged in my throat, I suddenly long for a glass of the strongest alcohol present.

The murmurs die down when I walk to the front of the small stage and white lights are cast from above, bathing me in an ethereal glow.

This isn't just a birthday speech. This is my chance to send a message. To tell the Plutonians what I stand for and why they should support me for leadership.

What do I stand for?

My eyes flit to the humans at the back. One of them has rushed to serve a tall male Plutonian who then squeezes her butt cheek before turning his attention back to me. She looks at me briefly as well, eyes widening when she notices that I am watching her.

There's a fading black bruise under her left eye and she hurries away, adjusting her skirt with a grimace on her face.

When General Lyra inducted me into the Sympathizer organisation, she mentioned the need to back track from the segregation we have created between ourselves and all other aliens.

In our short few years together, we have managed to save an abandoned craft of humans left to die off in space for harbouring unwanted pathogens. We have treated and strengthened many slaves that were left to die on the tracks.

The same could be said for the alien traders who were cast aside by their own leaders. The only problem is everything has always been done in secret. The public can never know we exist because past leaderships have associated sympathising with humans as treason.

I grit my teeth, staring at the girl slave who has to serve us Plutonians while being molested and beaten as well. That was never part of the job description.

The hall falls silent, waiting for me to speak and I chew the inside of my cheek. I can never show them the real me. The Luna who wants to eradicate all the rot we have created in our society and the elitism we practice.

Instead, I must tell them what they want to hear. For now.

I turn ever so slightly and Lucian catches my stare. He's stark icy blue eyes pierce mine and he nods, gesturing for me to go on.

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